Hyperandrogenism in women: treatment, symptoms, causes

 Most women dream of having a child - an indisputable fact, moreover, inherent in our nature. And because infertility is one of the most serious illnesses for the young woman. Cause of the disease may be different from acquired disorders to hereditary diseases. Women's magazine JustLady tell today about the disease, which is not so rare causes of infertility and other violations of the functions of the female body. It's about hyperandrogenism.  

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Hyperandrogenism - A surplus in women the male hormone testosterone. The female body, as well as men's, produces this hormone. He is absolutely essential for the normal development of skeletal muscle and normal muscle function of the myocardium. But in the female body in the norm of its content should not exceed certain limits. If testosterone is produced too much, we can talk abouthyperandrogenism in women.

Symptoms giperandroginii

In facthyperandrogenism is a disease of the endocrine system, and thus entails a violation of metabolic processes. One of the risks with hyperandrogenism is the risk of developing diabetes because of decreased sensitivity to insulin patients. Therefore, if you suspect diabetes, the presence of othersigns of hyperandrogenismIt may be a symptom of high content of testosterone in the body.

External symptoms of hyperandrogenism is primarily increased hair growth on the hands and feet, and that bothers women. Often marked by the appearance of acne and inflammation on his face. Sometimes the disorder can cause obesity, depending on the cause of the disease.

However, not to be confusedhyperandrogenism with increased sensitivity to testosterone, which is inherent to many women southern blood. This is what often due to increased hair growth and other external signs in the representatives of this ethnic group. In this case, the amount of testosterone in the blood is at a normal level, and it is not of hyperandrogenism.

When internal investigationssymptoms of hyperandrogenism considered the appearance of small cysts (polycystic) and dense capsule in the ovary. All this can lead to menstrual disorders, inability to ovulation (infertility).

If a woman does manage to get pregnant, chances of miscarriage. The fact is that to maintain pregnancy female body needs another hormone - progesterone, but hyperandrogenism often accompanied by insufficient production of this hormone.

During labor, women run the risk of premature discharge of amniotic fluid, lack of labor, it's also asymptoms of hyperandrogenism.

Causes of hyperandrogenism in women

Testosterone, which is the main culprit of the disease, is produced in the ovaries in women and the adrenal glands. It is a violation of these bodies is the main reasonhyperandrogenism in women.

As the main reason, isolatedandrogenitalny syndrome. The adrenal glands produce many different hormones, including testosterone. Under the influence of a particular enzyme, living in the ovaries, testosterone and other hormones are converted to glucocorticoids. What ovaries produce the enzyme depends on the female gene and if it is insufficient, the conversion is performed. Consequently testosterone accumulates in the body.

The ovaries also, in turn, are able to produce testosterone. Oftencause of hyperandrogenism becomes increased production of the hormone is in the ovaries. Various tumors and neoplasms in the adrenal glands and ovaries are also a common cause of hyperandrogenism in women.

However, the endocrine system includes not only the listed bodies, but a number of others, and the violation of their work can cause the appearance of the disease. One such body ispituitary (Iron brain), which is responsible for the work of the endocrine glands.

Diagnosis and treatment of hyperandrogenism

Diagnose yourself you can not, unless, of course, do not have a medical education. But in this case need laboratory tests.

The symptoms of hyperandrogenism can occur at any age, from childhood, so of any age predisposition difficult to speak. For diagnosis the doctor will need to carry out a series of tests, ultrasound of internal organs, the identification of puberty connection with the initial manifestations of the disease.

Treatment of hyperandrogenism depends on the causes of the disease and the ultimate goals of the doctor and the patient. If a woman wants to have a child, not only to get rid of the external manifestations of hyperandrogenism, therapy will aim to achieve this result.

In cases where the tumor may need surgery to remove the tumor.
If the disease has led to obesity, along with the special treatment the doctor will make provisions for the return of normal weight.

Today intreatment of hyperandrogenism in women achieved rather good results that allow a woman with this disease to feel good and look good and, more importantly, has developed special kinds of therapy and methods of surgical treatment, which give considerable hope to have the baby.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: body, hair, cyst, ovary, pregnancy, forum, raising, diabetes, allergies, diet consequence, the hormone content level, the rate of treatment, testosterone syndrome, disturbance, figure, child, medication, the body symptom, infertility, Wikipedia, an indication of asanas, testesterona, hyperandrogenism, androgens, squirting, genesis