How to treat varicose veins folk remedies

How to treat varicose veins folk remedies
 Varicose veins - enough frequent disease in which the blood circulation and the veins themselves are deformed and lose their elasticity. As the disease progresses in extended areas may form clots, and the skin - sores. In the initial stages helps to alleviate the condition, traditional medicine.
 In the summer and autumn period, you can use tomato pulp. If it is green, then slice held in the extended area until the burning sensation. Action must be repeated up to 5 times a day, then a couple of weeks varices become lighter.

Slices of ripe tomato attached to the veins for a few hours. As the drying of juice they change on fresh.

During the month veins applied a poultice of mashed cabbage leaf lightly greased with vegetable oil. The sheet is fixed to the side of oily skin per day. Between treatments should be the day break.

The affected area can also be lubricated twice a day with natural apple cider vinegar.

Folk remedies to help treat varicose veins, not only outside but also inside. To this end, every morning and evening glass of water taken inside a divorced him a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. He helps to improve blood circulation.

Has similar properties infusion prepared from Antonov apples. To do this, the whole fruit in a saucepan filled with boiling water, wrapped up in a warm blanket and insist 4:00. Thereafter, the pulp is kneaded, the infusion is filtered through a folded in several layers of cheesecloth and take 3 tablespoons in the morning and evening.

Helps the ingestion of dry infusion of nettle leaves. They are brewed with boiling water in a thermos and leave for an hour, after which they drink 3 times a day for half a glass.

Also sore spots lubricated various infusions. You can use shredded green walnuts, which are within 1.5 months infused in olive oil or aloe juice mixed with vodka. The mixture was applied onto a vein for a long time.

Varicose veins to be treated long enough, eliminate folk remedies is hard enough, but to prevent further progression of the disease is possible.

Tags: means, varicose veins, extension, Vienna, treatment