How to treat the lymph nodes in the armpits

How to treat the lymph nodes in the armpits
 Swollen lymph nodes in the armpits indicates the presence of inflammation in the body. You should see a doctor and get a complete examination, as this may be a sign of cancer and tumors in nearby organs and tissues.
 Refer to the hospital and submit blood and urine tests. Visit therapist, it is possible that you will be assigned and ultrasound. It is necessary to find out the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes, and not just remove the pain and swelling. In some cases, lymph starting to bother with colds, as well as mastitis and other abnormalities in the internal organs.

Following the examination you will be treated underlying disease. If the cause has not been found, the doctor will prescribe you antibiotics. Gradually, the inflammatory process will take place. If you have diseases of the digestive system, notify your doctor. You will be assigned drugs by injection or rectal suppositories. Drink tablets in this case is meaningless, they are poorly absorbed.

Warm up the armpits. To do this, reheat table salt in a pan or in the microwave, then quickly pour in a woolen sock. Warming held several times a day for 40-60 minutes. If you have a special device, then use it.

During treatment, take echinacea. It improves the immune system and helps in the healing process. Buy ready-made brandy at the pharmacy. Eat 20 drops three times a day before meals, previously dissolved in 20 ml of water. The course should be approximately 1 month.

After treatment enjoy a reduction of intestinal microflora. Take medications containing beneficial bacteria, "Linex", "Atsipol" or "Bifidumbacterin."

If a short time later axillary lymph nodes inflamed again, insist on in-depth examination of the body. In any case, hand over a blood test for tumor markers in order to eliminate the possibility of the presence of malignant tumors in the body.

Tags: lymph node, armpit, inflammation