How to treat menstrual disorders

How to treat menstrual disorders
 Causes of menstrual disorders may be hormonal changes, exacerbation of chronic diseases, stress, climate change, etc. The success of treatment and correction of menstrual violations directly related to their causes.

Conducting a thorough examination of the body will identify the causes and nature of the violations, to establish an adequate therapy. If the cause of menstrual disorders are inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, the antimicrobial therapy is mandatory. After identifying the type of pathogen that caused the inflammation, a gynecologist, and develops a treatment regimen of prescription drugs to which the organism will react properly. If the cause of violations of the cycle began tumors in the pelvic organs, then the treatment should begin immediately.

Hormonal problems require long-term treatment - alternate courses of therapy courses enhance immunity, etc. Often hormones return to normal after the end of physiological processes in the body - puberty, breast-feeding, menopause. In this case a maintenance therapy, but the active drugs are contraindicated.

Cycle disorders as a result of strong emotions and emotional turmoil are of short duration. The menstrual cycle is restored after the rehabilitation of the nervous system, and these situations are not repeated, if the source of stress was eliminated. Drug therapy to normalize the function of the ovaries is not a method of treatment of such disorders, here it is important to restore peace of mind.

Intense physical activity, caused by an increase or decrease the cycle time can be reduced to the usual level and increased gradually. So you can avoid sudden jerks and will save the body from shocks.

Changing climate and familiar environment (work and rest, nutrition, lifestyle) almost always causes menstrual irregularities. In the process of adaptation to the new conditions occurs and restructuring of the ovaries, which begin to function normally.

With any changes in the nature and duration of the discharge should be immunostimulatory and restorative therapies that help restore balance in the body. Homeopathic remedies and herbal treatments can be regarded as additional methods that increase the effectiveness of primary treatment.

Tags: issue cycle