How to treat colon

How to treat colon
 Colon refers to the digestive system, and it is the final part. In the large intestine and absorbed water formed feces. By diseases of the colon include motility disorders, inflammation, cancer, the presence of hemorrhoids. Treatment prescribed by a doctor after clinical diagnosis and hardware research.  
 The first symptoms of the large intestine is impaired evacuation function, which can manifest as diarrhea or constipation. Disturbed digestion, the patient feels a constant weakness and fatigue. In the stool may be present blood or pus. In most cases, there are pains in the stomach, bloated feeling, disturbed appetite.

In the diagnosis of the doctor takes into account the patient's clinical complaints, assigns blood tests, stool. Hardware diagnostics based on holding ultrasound, x-ray with barium solution prior administration. Can also be assigned to magnetic resonance imaging, colonoscopy, fibrogastroscopy, barium enema.

Based on a comprehensive survey of the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes treatment. In any form of the disease, regardless of the diagnosis assigned a diet in which are excluded from the diet of fatty, spicy, fried, canned foods, white bread, legumes. The diet of the patient should be present boiled, mashed foods thoroughly dominated by milk and dairy products.

If infringements evacuation function, depending on whether increased or decreased intestinal motility doctor prescribes medication. The patient is prescribed ganglioplegic, anticholinergics, cholagogue medicines and improving digestion.

In identifying helminthic infestation appointed worming treatment, after which follow-up assessment.

Acute or chronic inflammation of intestinal mucous membranes treated with a strict diet, cleansing enemas, creams and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Any disease of the colon are diagnosed in the goiter. If the violation of microflora revealed that treatment is carried out with the help of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Tags: disease, treatment, thick, diagnostics, gut