How to treat burns

 According to statistics, the work of ordinary housewives modest degree of danger is worth very close to the profession of fire or police officer. This is not surprising - many small and large-scale accidents, personal accidents and other troubles lie in wait for the woman who is busy all day in the kitchen, dealing with electrical appliances, hot surfaces and chemicals.

In the category Women's Health: Treatment of hypnosis

One of the most common injuries are considered lifeburns. And, you guessed it, a women's magazine JustLady offers several ways to get acquainted withtreatment of burns.

How to treat burns

Get a burn can not only from touching the hot surface, or being insufficiently careful when removing the cover with boiling pots. Apart Fromthermal burns There are alsochemical - acid burns or corrosive substances for cleaning and disinfection.

If you happen something like that, regardless of the type of burn to take emergency measures. First of all, immediately wash the burn with cold water. If hot or caustic liquids spilled on the fabric, then remove it and then wash the burn. Under cold water is meant in this case, it is cold water, and in any case not ice - do not overdo it with the cold and do not use ice, it can damage the burned skin.

If clothing is stuck to the skina burn, Rinse the fabric in cold water and in any case do not try to tear. In this case it is necessary to see a doctor, regardless of the size of the burn.

Allowable amount of burned area, which can be treated independently about the size of a coin pyatidesyatikopeechnuyu a child and an adult dvuhrublevuyu. When this is allowed only with self burns first and second degree, which are characterized by redness, blisters and pain. Get these can accidentally touching a hot surface, or obgorite not the sun.

How to treat burns

Ifburns received as a result of electric shock, Long contact with the hot surface, exposure to chemicals, and leather with the charred or vice versa has a whitish color, a visit to the doctor is necessary. Burned white space can be quite painless, but make no mistake, this does not negate trip to the doctor. As a result of electric current or acid burn nerve endings die, so the burned area is painless, but it is necessary to treat it, and only under the supervision of a specialist.

Do not handle treatburns in young children and the elderlyIn these cases, the procedure may appoint a doctor.

Now that you understand the degree and the size of the burn, and washed with cold water, you can begin to search for a suitable treatment.

First of all, doctors recommenddo nothing with calcined place during the first 24 hours, thus allowing the body to start the mechanism of tissue regeneration. If you still want to do something now, in no case do not lubricate the surface of burnt oil. Under the oil film tissues will be difficult to cool, and you now need this, and burn only worsen the condition.

The next day, you can already take some action. You can daily wash burned area with soap and water once a day, and the rest of the time to wear protective gauze bandage.
 Aloe juice or gel based on it will help soothe the pain and at the same time will have a disinfectant action on the affected area.

Excellent meansfor the treatment of burns considered fresh pumpkin pulpWhich is applied to the burned area.

How to treat burns

To soothe the pain and accelerate healing healers also offer lotions from oak bark. To do this, take 40 grams of minced raw pour 200 g of boiling water. The mixture boil for 5 minutes on low rut. Then let cool and strain through cheesecloth, pressing out a good feed.

When the burn begins to heal, you need a tool that will ease the itching and irritation, as well as will promote faster healing and getting rid of unsightly scars.

For this purpose, use buckthorn sea buckthorn seed oilWhich is applied under the bandage on cleansed skin of dead tissue.
A good treatment for burns and soothe the skin is also an oil solution  Vitamin E. This tool is available in pharmacies in the form of gelatin capsules. Open the capsule and rub a little oil in the burned area.

If on the site of the burn blisters appearedDo not try to get rid of them - they are best protect the damaged area of ​​the infection. If bubbles still broken, wash the burn with soap and water, and to protect against bacteria, you can useantimicrobial creams, For a wide range sold in pharmacies. There's also offers specialGels and foamsIntended for the thermal treatment of domestic and sunburn.

How to treat burns

If you did everything right, and the burn does not heal within two weeks, it's time to see a doctor. You should also do this if you have noticed that the blisters are filled with greenish or brown liquid, again back pain and a burning sensation in the affected area.

And another tip: never handle yourself treat burns on his face, Eyes, feet soles, pelvic and genital organs. Regardless of the severity and size of the lesions is best to consult with a specialist than wrong actions cause irreparable damage to health.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: burn, the degree of treatment, blister