How to remove leg edema

How to remove leg edema
 Swelling of the feet occur not only because of abnormalities of the heart, they can trigger even uncomfortable shoes. But the problem is completely solved, the main thing - to identify the root cause and eliminate it if possible. If the swelling is very strong and constantly observed, first go to the hospital after shooting only visible symptoms meaningless.
 Try to limit the amount of fluids you drink and food. Do not drink after seven o'clock in the evening, do not eat fatty and salty foods, it is possible that the swelling cease to bother you. In some cases, this is enough to avoid heavy legs.

Help cope with the swelling ointments, which include heparin or routines. And a cream containing horse chestnut. These substances strengthen blood vessels, promote the removal of swelling and heaviness in the legs after a hard day's work

Take a cool foot bath. Added to the water decoctions of herbs: oak bark, horse chestnut, or a few drops of essential oil of pine. A good result is observed when taking salt baths. Cool water stimulates blood flow, which helps to relieve swelling. But it is not a means for treatment, but rather just an ambulance for swollen feet.

Propyl course urological or diuretic collection. Dosing look in the summary. Also has a diuretic effect parsley, celery, dill and cilantro. Brew a few sprigs of greenery in a cup of boiling water. Take 100 ml a few times a day. The effect appears after a few days.

 Pay special attention to your shoes. If you walk all day in high heels or uncomfortable shoes, the swelling you just can not avoid. Blood flow to the legs weakened, due to which accumulates excess fluid. Wear shoes only suitable in size and with a comfortable shoe. It is possible that the problem will be solved in this way.

If all else fails, go to the therapist. After passing the examination you will have a full reception of diuretic drugs. Take them strictly according to the recommended schedule. Gradually normalized and unpleasant heaviness and swelling in the legs will no longer bother you.

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