How to lower cholesterol without medication

 Your blood cholesterol know no more than 5% of us. For comparison, in the US and Europe, the figure is almost 80%. Such neglect of cholesterol risk factor of heart attacks and strokes completely linked with high mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the country. Why do not we believe in the connection of high cholesterol with heart disease?

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Actually,cholesterol for our body needs. That it builds cell membranes and is involved in the synthesis of certain hormones. More than half of the body produces itself, the rest comes from food. But if it becomes too much, the excess begins to lay on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing their lumen formed plaques that are fraught with heart attacks and strokes.

To see exactly what you have got a group of "cholesterol" risk or not yet, not enough to determine its total amount in the blood. The fact thatcholesterol heterogeneous and composed of multiple fractions of lipoproteins including low and high density.

Low density lipoproteins - This is the most cholesterol, which are formed from vascular plaque. Patients call it "bad cholesterol."

High Density Lipoproteins ("good")- This transport, which are derived from cells "bad" cholesterol.

Even if your total cholesterol is above normal, but the proportion of "good" in it more than "bad", the danger yet. Especially when you consider that the optimal concentration of cholesterol is individual for each person. There are averages of 180-220 mg / dl. But if the number of "good" cholesterol below 39 mg / dl in men and 43 mg / dL in women, it's time to sound the alarm.

If you are not experiencing problems with your health, then ideally you enough to check your cholesterol level is not more frequently than once every five years, starting from the age of twenty. To do this in the morning, on an empty stomach you need to donate blood from a vein.
What you "threatened" if the level of "bad" cholesterol was above the norm? It is not necessary that a doctor immediately assign you a bunch of pills. For a start will have to go on a diet. And after two weeks you limit yourself in terms of products, tests should be repeated.

If they show that cholesterol is decreased, this means that the level can be controlled without resorting to medicines, but with the aid of the diet. True, it is necessary to do arithmetic, the amount of dietary cholesterol absorbed does not exceed 200 mg per day.

And for this to learn the following list of products

A glass of milk or yogurt 3% fat contains 29 mg of cholesterol,
 curd to 18% - 57 mg;
 a 9% curd - 32 mg;
 25 g of cheese - 17 mg;
 100 g of cream - 14 mg;
 teaspoon butter - 12 mg;
 100 g of boiled mutton - 98 mg;
 100 g of boiled beef - 94 mg;
100 g lean cooked pork - 88 mg;
 100 g of cooked chicken (leg, neck, back) - 89 mg;
 100 g of cooked chicken (wings, brisket) - 79 mg;
 100 g of boiled tongue - 90 mg;
 100 g cod, saffron cod, hake or walleye - 65 mg;
 100 g perch, mackerel, horse mackerel or herring - 88 mg;
 100g canned fish in its own juice - 95 mg;
 100 grams of canned fish in tomato sauce - 51 mg;
100 g crabs, squid, mussels - 95 mg;
One egg yolk - 200 mg.

- When on the bottle with sunflower oil you read the words "no cholesterol" - you're reading nonsense. The fact that the plant products of cholesterol did not happen. But if the same label you'll see on a pack of butter, you know what's inside - margarine.

- Before you fry or cook the chicken, remove the skin from it - there's a lot of cholesterol. After cooking, remove useless, all cholesterol in the meat.

- 20 g of alcohol daily - reduce cholesterol. A 100 g has the opposite effect.

- Reducecholesterol apples, garlic, beans, cauliflower and grapefruit.

- It would be nice to love fish. It is not only cholesterol, but also a complex substance called eicosapentaenoic acid possessing cholesterol-lowering action.

Today, there are many supplements that promise to lower cholesterol levels. But to use them, toning vessels already 50-75% closed plaques, business prospects and even dangerous. Therefore, dietary supplements are only recommended for people with mildly elevated cholesterol. From the perspective of the full treatment - this is nonsense.

Unfortunately,cholesterol can not always be controlled by diet. In these cases, the drug can not do without, but as no diet on yone their reception.

There are four groups of drugs have different effects on cholesterol.

-Nikotinovaya Acid and fibrates reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol.
-Smoly Inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and are working on the whole increased elimination of cholesterol from the body.
-Statiny Reduce the production of cholesterol in the liver and contribute to making the "bad" cholesterol "good".

The lowest effective in resins, and intestinal they affect not the best way - puchit. Poorly tolerated drugs and nicotinic acid, often begins after taking heat. With regard to statins, they have two drawbacks - they are expensive and have to take them for life, although the effect will get a good one.

Alexander Borisov

Tags: body, squid, pregnancy, garlic, forum, diet, nutrition, impact, level, cholesterol, normal, medication, drug elimination, reduction, medication, cholesterol