How to get rid of genital herpes

How to get rid of genital herpes
 Genital Herpes - a viral disease that is accompanied by lesions of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the skin around them. The virus can not be eliminated completely, you can only reduce its activity and symptoms.
 Primarily for the treatment of genital herpes should begin use of antiviral agents that can be produced in the form of ointments, tablets, creams, solutions, and suspensions. Some drugs intended for topical use, other - for oral and intravenous administration. At the same time specialist prescribes drugs based on interferon, thereby enhancing the immune system and reduces the likelihood of relapse.

The most common drugs in the fight against the herpes virus are "Acyclovir", "Valacyclovir", "Foskavir." The first drug is used at 200 mg 5 times a day, course of treatment - 10 days. A second drug - to 0, 5 mg 2 times per day treatment - 10 days. The third drug is used as a topical application on the affected areas.

It should be noted that the use of antiviral drugs before the rash on the skin and mucous membranes may prevent the appearance of the rash. The earlier the disease is detected, the more successful is the process of treatment. With frequent relapses treatment is delayed for 2-3 months.

In no case do not need to spend moxibustion liquid nitrogen. This method eliminates the symptoms of the disease only, but the virus remains in the body, causing recurrence of the disease.

For prevention it is advisable to take care of your health and the health of their sexual partners, as the disease is transmitted by direct contact with a carrier of the herpes virus. If you have symptoms of genital herpes in the second one partner must also be examined, and if necessary, treatment. No treatment can lead to complications.

Tags: virus, herpes disease treatment