How to get rid of age spots on the body

How to get rid of age spots on the body
 Pigment spots are different. This harmless freckles and age spots, as well as chloasma, vitiligo and other changes in skin color. But in any case, dark spots cause discomfort and a desire to get rid of them.
 Freckles (ephelides) - are small specks of brown. They usually occur in people with light skin and hair - most blondes or redheads. Since freckles are directly dependent on ultafioleta, the pale winter and spring under the first rays of the sun are much darker. Get rid of efelidov can use the salon procedures, as well as significantly reduce their intensity folk remedies.

Lentigines (lentigiles seniles) - pigment stains due to accumulation of melanin. Generally tend to rise to lentigo people after 40 years. On the skin, mostly on the back side of the hand appear hyperpigmented areas of different sizes. Under the influence of sunlight, they become even darker.

Chloasma (chloasma) - pigmented skin in women, mainly in pregnant women. Localized on the face in the forehead, temples and nasolabial triangle and consist of clusters of small specks merging of different shapes. Causes chloasma hormonal factor that appears not only during pregnancy, but also when taking oral contraceptives. To reduce the risk of harm to the fetus, measures to get rid of this type of pigmentation is carried out after the baby is born.

Vitiligo (vitiligo) - is a skin disease in which pigment spots appear white. They are very visible, and if they are in the open areas, it gives a great psychological discomfort man. Treatment of vitiligo is very complex and can assign it to a doctor.

Nevus (naevus) - birthmarks, they not only appear at birth, but can occur at any age. Are clusters of melanin, remove them using a variety of procedures. At home, you can not treat birthmarks, since there is a risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor.

The best solution to remove pigment spots will visit the beauty salon. There you can choose the procedure for skin whitening.

Fotolechenie - removal of pigmented areas of light waves of different frequencies.
Mesotherapy - stimulation of the skin by injections with drugs.
Cryotherapy - this effect on pigmentation spots with liquid nitrogen.
Dermabrasion - resurfacing, allows you to clear it from age spots.
Chemical peeling - removing skin blemishes with acids, resulting in the exfoliation.
Ultrawave peeling - an introduction to the skin of different active agents with ultrasound.

At home, you can whiten your little freckles, age spots during pregnancy, age spots. This can be done rubbing, masks, exfoliation, apply the cream.

Clean the skin with lemon juice, or make a mask. Take a tablespoon of fresh juice, mix with a tablespoon of heavy cream and add a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix and apply on the spot on the half hour. If the mask is to dry, then apply a new layer. Then rinse with water. This mask is good because its content of cream prevents skin dryness.

Good whitens and nourishes the skin mask of lactic acid products. Mix ¼ of a pack of cottage cheese with egg yolk, add 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide and put a lot on the face or body. Exposure time of 15-20 minutes. The mask not only whitens, but also moisturizes.

Improves skin color mask with parsley. It can be made with sour milk. To do this, chop bunch of greens and mix with a glass of yogurt, let stand for 2 hours and the mixture put on the area of ​​spots. An hour later, rinse.

Parsley can be used in pure form, it chop, pour hot water for an hour, then wipe with warm liquid body several times a day.

Do other whitening mask. But remember that they will have the best effect in conjunction with the salon treatment.

Tags: leather, pregnancy, mask removal, body whitening