How to get rid of a bruise

How to get rid of a bruise
 Bruise on the body - a fairly common situation. You can get it in the fall, shock or injury. Thus there is damage to the blood vessels, and blood fills the surrounding tissue. If traces of bruises on the arms or legs, you can hide the clothes, the bruises on prominent places (eg, face) would be desirable to eliminate as quickly as possible.
 Immediately after the formation of a bruise, you must attach to the damaged area ice. In order to prevent freezing of tissue, it should be wrapped in paper or cloth. You can substitute a bruise under running cold water.

As a rule, the next day the swelling around the bruise subsides. Now you need a good place to warm up injury. This can be achieved by using heated sand or salt, wrapped in cloth, or any other means.

As it is better not to use analgesics aspirin and acetaminophen. Such drugs thin the blood, which further leads to the widening of a bruise. Better to use ibuprofen.

At the time of treatment bruise desirable to abandon the use of alcoholic beverages that cause vasodilation and, as a consequence, increase the size of the bruise.

It is recommended to eat more citrus and cabbage. They contain beneficial vitamins K and C. You can take a vitamin-mineral complexes (before it is necessary to consult a doctor).

You can cook cabbage compress. For this repel cabbage leaf with a hammer until a juice, wrap it in a cloth and apply to the affected area. The alternative to such a compress their gadgets are fresh juice of burdock, rubbing a bruise infusions radish or parsley.

Before going to bed is recommended to iodine grid. The main thing here - do not overdo it. Then in the morning on the skin will be left no trace of the money.

To eliminate bruising, today in pharmacies sold a large amount of drugs. Among them are the cream-balm SOS, Bruise-off and rescuers. These drugs have a resolving, regenerating effect on the injury.

The most popular when removing bruises received bodyaga. Its powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1 and shallow rubbed into the skin. Too often, however it is not recommended. Otherwise, it can lead to other diseases.

Quite effective in dealing with bruises are popular recipes masks. The best known is considered a mask made from potatoes. For its preparation is necessary to mix 1 tsp grated on a fine grater root with the same amount of milk and flour. The mixture is applied to the affected area for 20 minutes, then washed with warm water.

At home, you can make a poultice of sage tincture. First, a cotton pad moistened with warm infusion, which is applied to the bruise for 10-15 minutes. Thereafter, new fleece lowered into the cold solution and applied for another 7-10 minutes. Typically, these wraps make bedtime, while no washing agent.

Get rid of bruises and swellings mask of parsley. To do this, you must take a handful of finely chopped leaves and put it on the affected area. Top mask is covered with a cotton ball or gauze. Washed off with cool water after 15 minutes.

Tags: bruise