Heartburn - Causes and Treatment, folk remedies for heartburn

 Festive table was great! You gladly ate a juicy piece of roast meat, tried all the salads, were treated to an impressive portion of chocolate cake. And you even oranges from childhood loves and, of course, could not help but eat a couple. But now that the other guests like mad full, sit and try to remember when you had time to sip molten lead. And can someone caring hand splashed into your glass of acid? Most likely, the women's magazine readers JustLady have realized that we are concerned with heartburn.

In the category Women's Health: sedatives

Where did these horrible feeling in the stomach and how to extinguish the fire?
Your stomach is full of special juices, which are needed to digest food. One component of this fluid is hydrochloric acid (so that you were not so wrong). Stomach wall covered with a special shell that protects it from the corrosive action of the acid, but the esophagus - no. Therefore, when a portion of the gastric juice fall into this tube, you feel horrible, sometimes just unbearable burning sensation. In medicine, this is called the release of a mysterious word "reflux".

Earn reflux easy. To do this, you need to fried and fatty, chocolate, coffee, milk (and even better cream), soda, something sour (same oranges), and, of course, fresh pastries. If you do not like it all, then you just need to eat something more, quickly and preferably overnight.
Well, now that you have experienced all the delights of this phenomenon fully, let's discuss how you get rid of it.

How to get rid of heartburn

1. Doctors recommend primarily in any case not to go to bed. If you are really bad, then you can lie down on the bed with elevated headboard. And the pillows will not help. It is better to enclose something under the legs at the top of the bed, so she was raised by 10-15 centimeters.

2. To soothe the violent processes in the stomach antacid accept. Now drugstore you can find many such funds, for example, Almagel, Maalox, Gaviscon and others. Doctors believe that it is better to use liquid formulations, they begin to act faster than tablets.

3. Do not try to relieve the pain with the help of milk. There is an opinion that milk helps toheartburn. Yes, in the first 5 minutes while you drink it some relief is possible by enveloping effect, but then get worse. Milk increases the secretion of digestive juices, and therefore the acid.
4. Also beware of mint. It reduces the effect of naturally flap that protects the esophagus from stomach contents entering.

5. If you rather tight belt, be sure to relax him, and generally try not to bend and do not make any sudden movements, so as not to compress the stomach.

Treatment of heartburn folk remedies

The most common way to relieve discomfort - drink soda. To do this, a teaspoon of powder diluted in a third cup of boiled water. This will help you, but not for long. A short time after receiving the ash amount of acid produced by the stomach, greatly increase, and you can come to where to start. If we do this very often, this practice can lead to alkalization of blood - the phenomenon, which gives a pretty severe consequences.

ButPeople's recipeThat promises to get rid ofheartburn forever and ever.
Brew mugwort (Artemisia) and drink on an empty stomach 100 g of broth. Ten minutes later, drink the same amount of broth chamomile. Procedure recommended prodelyvat within 10-12 days.

One of my best friendremedy for heartburnconsiders dry peas. As soon as a burning sensation in the stomach, he immediately throws in the mouth a few peas. I do not know what is the mechanism of action of this method, but it really helps.
However, if you decide to use it, you better try it first alone. Peas, as you know, can give a side effect, and it is better to find out you're exposed to it or not.

Another effectivefolk remedy Apple cider vinegar is considered. To do this, a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar added to half a cup of boiled water. This mixture should be drunk in small sips during the meal. It may seem strange that the acid works against the same acid, but, nevertheless, it is.
Heartburn also recommend drinking juice of raw potatoes and cabbage. Good agents are fennel (fennel) and ginger.

These means, of course, good to a certain extent. If heartburn - the phenomenon of constant, repeated, and regardless of the quality of the food, it is best to consult a doctor. And if accompanied by a burning sensation in the stomach pain when swallowing, nausea, dizziness, pain radiating into the shoulder or neck, shortness of breath or other similar symptoms - it may be an indication of a heart attack.
In any case, if you notice that you have to take an antacid for more than two months, and they do not help you too much, with the campaign to the therapist is better not to pull.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: vinegar, pregnancy, heartburn, milk, milk, peas, fasting, treatment, medication, Maalox, Gaviscon