
 It is possible that your teeth will never bring you trouble, and you sincerely believed that a few seconds every morning cleaning - that's all they need. But today, after the next morning procedures you notice that your gums were red, and the water is highlighted in pink. Alarming fact, so long and loose teeth. But do not worry so much, you are not alone. If you notice a problem in time to deal with it is not too difficult.

In the category Women's health: how to cope with stress

Women's magazine as JustLady will always help its readers and help cope with the problem of gum disease.

This undesired condition is mainly a consequence ofinadequate care oral. Plaque that accumulates on teeth are not cleared completely and provokes inflammation of the gums. If the disease is run, all may result in the loss of teeth.

First of all, you have to accept the fact that short-term treatments with a toothbrush in the past. Now you'll have to give this a long time. Clean the teeth thoroughly for 3-5 minutes, repeating the procedure up to three times a day.

Dentifrice you will most likely have to purchasespecial toothpaste over the counter. Traditional medicine advised when gingivitis use tooth powder, mixed with crushed calamus root. For a clean enough to add to the desired number of tooth powder just half a gram of calamus root.


Much also depends on theProper cleaning. The brush should be directed to the tooth angle of 45 degrees, which will treat the teeth and gums and simultaneously. Thus it is necessary to make the rotational movement - it will be good to clean plaque from the base of the teeth.

Do not forgetthe language. That it collects the bulk of bacteria. After you brush your teeth, nothing prevents them again to reach them with the language. Therefore, during each procedure, be sure to clean the tongue. This can be done with a toothbrush, a small spoon, a spatula flat stick like - anything, as long as it was not sharp.

Nowfor toothbrushes. In the fight againstgingivitis every detail is important, and to the choice of the brush should be approached responsibly. According to dentists best cleans plaque electric brush. If for some reason this is not your option, then please create an extra brush. This maneuver will allow you to rotate them and give time to dry out one while you use the other. This is necessary in order to reduce the risk of falling into the mouth of bacteria that grow very well in a wet environment.

If you are in the mouth dentures or crowns would be logical to buy a special brush or brush malopuchkovuyu made their brush-like kitchen. With it you can clean the most inaccessible places between teeth, under bridges and crowns.

Atinflammation of the gums special attention should be paid as mouthwash. If you budget allows better to buy a specialirrigator. This device allows you to wash the gum and hard to reach areas directed jet of water. As a replacement, you can use a blower with extended tip.


Good effectin inflammation of the gums have a specialmouthwashes. This can be an ordinary mouthwash, or solutions prepared independently.
For removing bacteria suitable solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. Mix the two liquids in equal parts, and rinse your mouth with half a minute.

Excellent means to rinse withinflammation of the gums considered alcoholic solution of propolis tincture. To do this, simply add 20 drops of tincture in a glass of water.

If your home has a flower aloe, it can become your helper in the fight against gum disease. One teaspoon of aloe juice to a glass of water - and ready another rinse, which will not only help reduce inflammation, but will destroy microbes in the mouth.

To improve the blood supply in inflammation of the gums, use massage techniques. It is quite easy - just grab the tooth so that the index finger was outside and large inside and rub the gums.
Eating raw vegetables and fruits as well massages and stimulates gums.

For massage is good to applyhoney. About 10 grams of salt to be mixed with twenty grams of honey. Salt should dissolve well to its crystals are not scratched mucosa. This mixture should be rubbed into the inflamed gums massaged.

You also need to pay attention to vitamins. As a result of the lack of calcium teeth, like every bone is rapidly destroyed. So add this item to your diet. Also requires vitamin C, which is able to reduce bleeding atinflammation of the gums.

Since a lack of vitamin C and other can provoke bad habits such as drinking alcohol or smoking, it is logical to give them up, of course, if you value your teeth.

An excellent tool forinflammation of the gums is sauerkraut. Just chew it more often if you do not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which prohibits the use of sauerkraut.

If your condition has gone too far, you feel bad breath, teeth more laid bare, and the gums are festering, then it is better immediately seek medical attention. Only a specialist can determine the stage of the disease and the appropriate treatment and procedures.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: propolis, gums, bridge, vitamin, treatment, inflammation, rinse, crown