Folk remedies against sweating

 There are people who even with minimal exertion, start sweating. So for people who suffer from excessive sweating, faced with a lot of problems associated with the interaction with society. Colleagues at work, casual neighbors in line at the store or in the subway give them sidelong glances and angry facial expressions. However, to cope with the unpleasant feature is possible by means of elementary popular recipes. Below we present the folk remedies for sweating that quick and effective way to help overcome this problem.

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Treatment of sweating folk remedies. Armpits

If you are experiencing excessive sweating armpits, you can try rubbing the skin with tincture of horsetail grass vodka. To prepare a tincture, you will need to fill in one of the ten parts of grass vodka and, in fact, real. Also, the problem of coping well and infusion of the leaves of a walnut on vodka at a ratio of 1 to 10. It is necessary to wipe the skin such means at least one or two times a day.

Treatment of sweating folk remedies. Face

If you strongly sweating face, you should twice a day - morning and evening - to rub his strong iced tea or unboiled milk. It should also be borne in mind that a person must dry naturally.

Treatment of sweating folk remedies. Feet

Excessive sweating of the feet can be overcome with the help of oak bark. You will need a bit of oak bark, it needs to be carefully chop and sprinkle the powder on socks or stockings. Repeat this procedure is necessary every day until sweating becomes normal. In addition, with oak bark can take a bath. Half a kilo of powdered bark to pour four liters of water, boil for thirty minutes, then strain.

Apart from oak bark, for our purposes, you can also take a bath with white willow and sage.

Bath with white willow should take five teaspoons of powdered raw material and fill it with two liters of cold water, to insist for eight hours, then strain and pour into the tub.

Bath sage is prepared as follows: pounds of finely ground sage leaves pour three to four liters of cold water, infuse for five to ten minutes, boil for five minutes, to insist for another ten minutes, strain and pour into the tub. Take a bath should be no longer than twenty or thirty minutes and not more than once a week, if you have excessive sweating body.

Also, a good solution would be sage and juice, which is taken orally one tablespoon twice a day. In winter and spring a good alternative to juice can act aqueous extract of dried sage leaves. Preparing it easy: we take two teaspoons of leaves and insisted on two cups of boiling water in a sealed container. Take this infusion should be in the form of heat for half a cup three times a day.

Cold compress, tinctures and decoctions for excessive sweating

Goodtreatment for hyperhidrosis folk remedies - A cold compress, which is an excellent tonic for the skin. He helps to improve the complexion, improve skin elasticity, narrowing of blood vessels, reduce pore reduction salo- and perspiration, and helps calm the nervous system. Impose its worth five to ten minutes. Compress contraindicated owners cold and cyanotic skin. After removing the compress very useful to gently pat on the face and neck with cold cloth or towel.

When excessive sweating body you should refer to the infusion of mint leaves. To prepare this infusion, you have to pour one tablespoon of herb mint one cup of boiling water. Agent must infuse for thirty or forty minutes, after which the infusion need to drain. Obtain funds necessary to wipe the skin. Also from excessive sweating helps to use a cup of broth sage. Please note that the broth should drink without adding sugar.

We hope that our simple guidelines will help you to solve the problems associated with excessive sweating.Treatment of sweating folk remediesAs you have already seen, will not require you any special expenses, only the desire to get rid of an annoying problem.

 Viktor Fyodorov
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: sweating, armpit, treatment, sweating, sage