Engage in breathing exercises. The benefits of oxygen starvation

 Now almost all the women pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. Some go to the pool, while others - tennis, and others - to the dance. Someone runs in the morning, someone visits the evening clubs, someone uses the services of a masseur. But breathing exercises, perhaps, few people involved. And in vain! It's very simple but very effective way to help provide for themselves health, youth and longevity.

In the category Women's Health: allergy to cold

Breathing exercises are different

There are several types of breathing exercises, which are based on very different principles:
technique Strelnikova - A kind of massage through respiration of all systems, organs and muscles due to the intensity of breaths, their rhythm and adherence to exercise
breathing exercises "Body flex" American Greer Childers, whose aim is to enrich the blood with oxygen through the full exhalation (emptying) and deep inspiration (fullness)
Eastern breathing exercises, Which are based on the philosophy of indissoluble connection of mind and body, and all the techniques are based on testing them energy along the meridians and channels.

And there are several techniques that are based on the general principle "of oxygen starvation."

The principle of oxygen starvation

The principle of oxygen starvation - a kind of shock therapy, like pouring cold water or starvation when the body with the help of a shake-up forced "to grasp at life" at all costs. Only anoxia valuable also because the lack of oxygen - the source of life for every cell in the body, so unbearable that immediately and includes a program of salvation, self-healing. Experiencing oxygen starvation, our body begins to get rid of "unnecessary", unhealthy cells, replacing them with healthy, until self-destruction as totally unnecessary, cancerous cells.

On the principle of oxygen starvation are based, at least three techniques:
Buteyko breathing - A system of shallow breathing with the whole complex of breathing exercises
breath by Frolov - Cell respiration activation method by using a special container, which gradually decreases the oxygen
breath-holding technique.
About the latter, tell us more because she enjoyed it and is familiar with the author - 45-year-old doctor, came up with it at that time for yourself when at age 20, he died from a rare diagnosis - degeneration of lung tissue.

Technique "breath holding"

In this technique, it's simple as ABC. It is performed without any additional devices, consists of a single exercise and to execute it you need but yourself, even stopwatch.

1.Breathing. Make a shallow, short nose and a sharp breath and then exhale very deep - so it seems as if all the air exhaled without a trace.
2. Delay 10. Now pinch the nose with his hand (otherwise, I'm sure not resist the temptation to inhale) and hold your breathe out (not breath!) For 10 seconds.

Actually, everything. Paragraphs 1 and 2 alternate the. Session should not be less than 10 minutes. In general, it is necessary to save the day for at least 1 hour of oxygen starvation. So, for example, 6 times 10 minutes each, 4 times for 15 minutes, three times for 20 minutes. It all depends on how you prefer to enter the breathing exercises in your lifestyle.

Warning: "Do not breathe" by this method will be difficult. Criteria for what you are doing everything in good faith, are these signs: on the forehead perspiration can tread will "burn" the earlobes, and immediately after the session unbearably want to empty your bladder.

What is important! Have to do it every day - at least an hour and did not miss a single day, at least for a month.


The question: On what health problems can help you breath-holding technique? - Confidently answer: From all! From the simplest type of common cold and flu to these "scary" as cancer.

How Come? Yes, because thanks to this method runs the most reliable mechanism - self-healing system of the body. As a result, accelerated metabolism, normalizes impaired function, resolve inflammatory education, eliminated organic changes and increases immunity.

Health trail

If you are going to do with this method for a month, you'll experience a health trail from employment within six months. If you have enough willpower to engage with this method for 2 months, a health trail will be felt throughout the year.

Author: Julia Detochkin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: body, allergies, exercise, use, fasting, breathing exercises, delay symptom gymnast