Effective treatment of the feet: how to win sweating, peeling and swelling

Effective treatment of the feet: how to win sweating, peeling and swelling
 Human activity throughout the day, of course, has a beneficial effect on the performance of any event. However, at the end of the day, many people are often faced with swelling of the legs. And sometimes this issue adds even sweating and skin peeling feet. What are the causes of these problems, and how to get rid of them?

Before you treat your feet from swelling, it is necessary to understand why this is happening. Swollen feet, usually from excessive prolonged pressure. And it arises due to excess body weight. Accordingly, the swelling of the legs often affects people with excess weight. In order to cope with the swelling of the legs, it is necessary to normalize the metabolism and trace her figure.

Also cause swelling of legs may be an excess amount of body water. This can occur due to failure of the urinary system. In this case you should consult your doctor to be examined more thoroughly. Indeed, in this situation, swelling of the legs - this is only the symptom.

As for Athlete's Foot, the primary prevention against this unpleasant symptom is the attention to shoes and insoles. In this case contraindicated shoes leatherette. Preference is given to breathable shoes made of natural materials.

Is a priority item and foot care, as well as a minimum of synthetic socks and insoles. When excessive sweating feet is not recommended to wear shoes on bare feet. Removal and treatment of hyperhidrosis contribute sprays and deodorants for the feet. They not only remove the unpleasant smell, but also reduce sweating.

Hygiene is also important for skin peeling feet. Flaking can be caused by excessive dryness of the skin of the feet and the presence natopyshey. Since dry skin is best dealt with by a moisturizer for the feet. In the process of lubrication feet massaged, and hydrates and nourishes the skin with essential vitamins. As a result, the skin becomes more flexible.

And from natopyshey undoubtedly helps elementary pumice. This method is as old as the world, but very effective.

Thus, sometimes treat feet - simply means carefully monitor their condition and in a timely manner to carry out prevention of various problems.

Tags: foot, sweating, peeling