
 If you have itching, peeling, cracking or other signs on the skin, there is a reason to worry - maybe it's eczema. What is eczema?

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Eczema - A non-infectious diseases of the skin, accompanied by inflammatory processes. Symptoms are itching, rash, scaling, and others. The disease is a leading dermatological diseases.

Causes of eczema can be a variety of factors, bearing physical, biological or chemical characters. In almost all cases of eczema manifests an allergic reaction. Allergy develops under the influence of external and internal factors, and sometimes the cause of skin disease is excessive sensitivity to certain allergens. Special role in this situation plays a genetic predisposition of the human body, as well as disruption of the liver or gastrointestinal tract.

In adults most often suffer from eczema hands, the skin of feet, legs, face and forearms. At the initial stage of the skin appears swollen, severe redness, indicating that the inflammatory process. Then, bubbles are formed which are filled with a transparent liquid. In some cases, the disease occurs only when the swelling and redness.

Eczema is divided into these types:

True or idiopathic eczemaWhich is characterized by an acute inflammatory process that shuts down swelling, rash, followed by an open erosion. The process is not very pleasant, as constantly oozing fluid dries on the skin surface, forming a crust. These troubles are accompanied by ever-increasing itching. Ekzemnoe rash begins with the hands and face, which gradually changes to the trunk.

Production eczema is directly related to the production allergens (amine hardeners, synthetic glues, salts of heavy metals, solvents, and many others). In this type of skin disease the body produces a delayed reaction to the pathogen (professional allergen). Most affected sectors are the metallurgical, chemical, pharmaceutical and food production.

Microbial eczema manifests itself in a rash around open wounds, which have a tendency to purulent infection. Microbial eczema at the wrong treatment can turn into true.

Baby Eczema manifested independently or background apoticheskogo dermatitis. This disease is most common in infancy.

Seborrheic dermatitis manifested when children come into contact with the patient bubble lishaёm.

When the manifestationeczema on the skin need to observe good personal hygiene, take a bath with chamomile. Try not to sweat often. It is also necessary to comply with milk-vegetable diet, while reducing food containing carbohydrates. Try to reduce the intake of water consumed. Drinking alcohol is not allowed!

Treatment of eczema. This reception antigistaminnovyh drugs, dehydration and detoxification therapy, receiving immunomodulators and drug improves microcirculation. It is recommended to use vitamin complexes.

The same applies external treatment depending on the nature of the disease. In acute inflammation is necessary to use aerosols with corticosteroids, bandages or lotion with anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial agents, which are recommended to be applied to the homes before the disappearance soak. After the retreat of the inflammatory process must proceed to apply ointments and pastes, which eliminate the effects of inflammation (scales and crusts).

Tatiana Skliarenko

Tags: eczema