Bruises. First aid for bruises. Treatment and folk remedies from injuries

 Injuries - the most common type of injury that you can get playing sports, during homework or even just walking down the street. You did not keep his balance on the slippery path or unsuccessfully put on the table a culinary hatchet stumbled while jogging or measured height bed, during floor cleaning, the result - contusion. What are the symptoms of injury and first aid, treatment and folk remedies from injuries - all this tells women's magazine JustLady.

In the rubric of Health: the excess vitamins in the body

In medicine,injury characterized as a soft tissue injury to the body (skin, fat, blood vessels) without serious damage to the skin during fall or blow with a blunt object.

Mastersymptoms of injury - Pain in the injured spot, hemorrhage due to rupture of blood vessels, hematoma formation and edema. Severitybruises divided into mild, moderate and severe. Moreover, such asymptom of injuryAs a bruise, can not be a characteristic of the severity of injury.

For example, the elderly and people with fragile vessels hematoma can be daunting, even with just minor injuries. On the other hand,injury head often accompanied by small bumps, and only after the time symptoms appear, indicating a concussion (nausea, dizziness, nosebleeds).

For any injury, regardless of the severity of symptoms should see a doctor for establishing the nature of damage to the bones, internal organs, close to the site of injury, or other hidden consequences.

For example, ifsymptom of injury the face or body, along with others, is the emergence of air under the skin, this can be an indication of damage to the lung or sinuses. With these consequences is impossible to cope.

Sometimes bruises occur not at the point where drop impact. For example, bruising around the eyes can be a symptom of trauma skull base - a serious and dangerous event.

Whatever it was - you have decided to deal with the injury yourself or wait for the arrival of the doctor - urgent action is needed.First aid for injury should be given as early as possible. The fact that injury accompanied by rupture of blood vessels, vessels with small bleed few minutes and may fill larger tissue adjacent the blood throughout the day. From this enhanced swelling, hematoma becomes rather large size, causing the surrounding tissue and organs are under pressure, and their integrity and functioning may be impaired.

Besides long dissipate large hematoma, which sometimes leads to the need for removal of the contents by opening a puncture or hematoma cavity.

It is understood that the techniquesfirst aid for bruises should be directed to the fact that as soon as possible to stop the bleeding.

Bruises. First aid for bruises. Treatment and folk remedies from injuries

First aid for injuries of extremities

The patient is placed, raise higher the injured limb. Then make a pressure bandage in place of injury and apply ice.

First aid for injuries of the face and body

The patient should also be laid, and ensure complete rest. In place of the injury need an ice pack or cold compress. Tight bandage in this case can not be done, but you have a chance to stop the spread of hematoma using cool lead lotions.

Treatment of injuries

On the first day we continue treatment with cold: ice, special cooling packages that are sold in pharmacies, cold lotions that change as heat.
After 24 hours, cooling is no longer required. Now apply a different tactic - warming. Warm baths, compresses and lotions will help to quickly remove the swelling and accelerate the absorption of a bruise.

The doctor in this case to appoint a special ointment, dry compresses or lotions with the addition of alcohol. In the case of moderate to severe injuries will recommend a course of physical therapy with the use of UHF devices, magnet, electrophoresis with medicinal solutions. If the injury were damaged bones or internal organs, the doctor will prescribe treatment suitable for these cases.

Treatment of injuries traditional methods

Good results are obtained by treatment of injuries traditional methods. For example, when a knee injury is very good attachment of cottage cheese. Do not be sorry product, take the whole pack and strapped to the sore spot. This wrap can be worn without removing, changing the cheese once a day.

Treatment of knee injury Onion is also very effective. To do this you need to take a piece of cloth, dip it in the juice and make a compress. You can attach and onion, crushed to a pulp.

Bruises. First aid for bruises. Treatment and folk remedies from injuries

Folk remedy first aid for bruises - Apple cider vinegar. Half a liter of apple cider vinegar heated in a water bath. Then add two teaspoons of salt and 4 drops of iodine. In the liquid to moisten the cloth and make wrap bruised place. Cover with an ice pack, wrap with plastic wrap, bandage fix a towel and lie down for 15 minutes.

On the first day, you can repeatedly carry out this procedure - apple cider vinegar helps remove even the most impressive hematoma.

Atchest injury great help is a folk remedy, arnica as alcoholate. If as a result of injuries have noticeable skin damage (scratches, abrasions), then use the lotion undiluted solution. If no skin wounds, the tincture is diluted 1:10.

Helps withtreatment of injuries and garlic. For the preparation of grinding, you will need two heads of garlic and half a liter of vinegar (6%). Garlic is good shalt, pour vinegar (not the essence!) And allow to stand for hours, occasionally shaking the container with the solution. Then, then polish with a mixture of bruised place.

If you doinjury treatment independently, and does not become easier for you, you should seek medical advice. Usually, pain at rest tested after 3-4 days. But pain during movement can only be exacerbated, and you will feel relieved only after 2-3 weeks. If pain persists longer, do not put off visiting the clinic.

Hematoma also gradually absorbed, changing the color of rich blue-violet tones to dirty yellow. If the bruise has passed all stages of color, turned gray, but the swelling and hardening of the left - will also have to see a specialist. As is well known, large hematoma can cause blood clots, so they should be removed.

 In any case, if the recovery is delayed to the doctor is necessary to address, since it is easy, at first glance, the injury may give rise to severe impairment of your body.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: leather, garlic, bruise, iron, joint tissue, compress consequence, wrist, bleeding, stroke, doctor, bandage, drop, dislocation, knee, lotion, treatment, struggle, rendering, abrasion, bruise, cold, body symptom concussion, medicine, limb, some help, gimatoma, Urinotherapy, hydrocortisone, hyperandrogenism, help