Asthma: Symptoms and Treatment

Asthma: Symptoms and Treatment
 Bronchial asthma - a fairly common disease, according to medical research, it occurs from 4 to 10% of the population. Treatment of the disease is complicated by the fact that asthma whose symptoms are similar to many lung diseases, not always to diagnose in the early stages. Women's Site JustLady tell you about the main symptoms of asthma, its treatment and prevention.

"Asthma" - the Greek word translated as "suffocation". In fact, this disease is associated with inflammation of the bronchi, which leads to an increase in sensitivity and response to suffocation as irritating factors. Choking is the result of spasm and swelling of the bronchial mucosa, accompanied by prolonged cough.

Bronchial asthma has clear symptoms, but despite this, it is often confused with other diseases of the bronchi and prescribe antibiotics and expectorant drugs that do not help the patient and the plant disease in a deep, chronic stage. If you think you have asthma, tell your doctor, as you can read more about all the symptoms. The doctor will conduct a study of respiratory function with the use of special drugs or control "peak flow", in which the measured peak expiratory flow sick person. This will help to identify disease at an early stage and will be the key to successful treatment.

Asthma is of two kinds:

• Atopic asthma - occurs after exposure to a specific allergen bronchial tubes;
• Infectious-dependent asthma - developed as an infectious disease of the respiratory tract.

According to the severity of asthma is divided: on the light, medium and heavy; according to the method of medical treatment: on hormone-dependent and aspirin. Hormone-dependent bronchial asthma requires long-term treatment of glucocorticosteroid harmony Aspirin - is associated with intolerance to anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, dipyrone, etc.) and is accompanied by polyposis (polyps in the nose).

Asthma: Symptoms and Treatment

The factors that trigger the disease

Bronchial asthma has a genetic predisposition and can often manifest itself after infectious diseases, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis. Aggravating factors, triggers the disease may include:

• Different allergens - pollen, animal hair, dust, food;
• Weather conditions - changes in pressure, humidity, temperature;
• respiratory diseases - bacterial and viral;
• Other factors - hormonal disorders, certain medications, etc.

Asthma - Symptoms

Toasthma characterized by episodic symptoms associated with exposure to triggering factors (see. above). Typical symptoms specific to each patient, are:

 - Cough, not bringing relief
 - Loud wheezing
 - Intense dyspnea
 - Asthma attacks (more often at night)

Bronchial asthma attack accompanied by a sharp shortage of air, wheezing and a feeling of "tightness" in the chest. If you have had a stroke, take the position that a little easier breathing: Sit on a chair, place your hands in the seat. Immediately use antiasthmatics quick action in the form of inhalation: salbutamol, ventalin, berotek and others. The difficulty lies in the fact that sometimesbronchial asthma attack passes in asthmatic status, which is accompanied by blueness and respiratory failure. While it accumulates in the bronchi thick mucus, which then leaves the body in the form clots.

Asthma attacks may become more frequent in the background of respiratory and viral diseases. Therefore, it is so important to observe all instructions of the doctor in the treatment or exacerbation of chronic diseases.Bronchial asthma are episodic in nature, after the adoption of appropriate measures for the duration of the symptoms disappear.

Asthma: Symptoms and Treatment

Bronchial asthma: treatment

Treatment of asthma consists of several areas. First you need to find out which factor triggers the disease and, if possible, to avoid its manifestation. You will have to part with home flowers and animals - no matter how sorry for them, the most expensive health. Do more wet cleaning, dust settles on the furniture and floor coverings, difficult breathing and irritates the mucous membrane of the bronchi.

Do not run your illness, even if they seem frivolous to you. In a timely manner and before the end of treat respiratory tract, biliary tract and digestive organs - this will save you from asthma exacerbations.

Follow all the requirements of the attending physician,asthma treatment which is in accordance with our plans, flows easily and without complications. In addition to medication doctor will advise you non-drug methods of treatment: acupuncture, breathing exercises, fasting. Each patient should always carry a fast-acting inhaler to help cope with the attack. Just remember - you can not use the inhaler more than 4 times a day, otherwise it may provoke an attack of breathlessness.

Prevention of the disease should be carried out in childhood. If you have a family historyasthma, Follow the basic rules that will help prevent recurrences. Timely treat respiratory diseases, tempers, observe the principles of healthy eating, give up smoking. Be careful about your health, and it will respond to you in return!

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: asthma treatment stage symptom