Important role in the health of nails plays vitamin E. It can be obtained by including in the menu cereals, vegetable oils, meat, liver, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Vitamin B5 is needed for a good blood supply and nail growth. You can find it in chicken meat, broccoli, eggs and yeast.
A powerful antioxidant, anti-aging nail plate, is vitamin C. Include in your daily diet apples, tomatoes, citrus fruits, currants, rose hips broth, and your nails permanently retain their youth. Dip the nails into the flesh of the lemon, thus you provide them with an extra portion of vitamin C to strengthen and make them a little lighter.
In addition to vitamins nails need to be useful trace elements and minerals. Calcium provides the hardness of the nail plate. The pharmacy you can buy a set, containing calcium and vitamin D (it contributes to a better absorption of calcium in the body). Also you can get calcium from milk and dairy products, nuts, meat, fish and seafood. Very useful seafood. In algae, fish, seaweed and shellfish contain iodine, which stimulates the growth of nails, and phosphorus, which is responsible for the health of the nail plate.
Often eat buckwheat, oatmeal and dried fruit. These foods are rich in iron, which is necessary for the proper formation of nails.
Save your nails strong and healthy can be, taking a special vitamin complex and included in the diet necessary food.
Do not forget that cause great harm to the hands household chemicals. Therefore, before cleaning, always wear rubber gloves. Regularly care for your hands: do manicures and apply cream for hands and nails, containing vitamins and herbal extracts useful.