Nourishing mask for brittle nails

Nourishing mask for brittle nails
 Condition of nails - the most accurate measure of how well a person eats and how it is fully diet. Deficiency in vitamins, minerals and nutrients immediately affects the health of nails. Lack of zinc and vitamin A are most often the cause of breakage and separation of the nail plate. To return the nails former fortress, will require not only a balanced diet, but do wellness.
 Change in diet and the inclusion of foods rich in vitamins and minerals that affect the health and appearance of the nails at once - it will take two to three months. Nourishing mask for brittle nails much faster will help return them to the bending strength, making them strong and beautiful.

One of the most effective - yolk-wax mask. For her, except for 3-4 g of melted wax, boiled egg yolk need and 10 drops of peach or apricot kernel oil. All mix well and rub the resulting slurry to the surface of each nail. This mask is a good idea to leave at night. Not to accidentally erase it in a dream, put on rubber fingers napalechniki.

Yolk, but the raw, use and nourishing mask on the basis of honey, it will need 1 tbsp. In addition to the yolk, add 1 teaspoon of honey oatmeal. Instead of oatmeal can take a tablespoon of olive oil. The resulting mask apply not only to the nails, but also on hand. Rinse after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water. Carefully put on cotton gloves and some time hold hands in them.

To not break your nails regularly do a hydrating mask with vitamins. They can be the basis of any nourishing hand cream. It should be 20 pieces in 3 parts vitamin A, vitamin D 3 parts to 1 part of vitamin E, which are sold in any drugstore. Better also leave the mixture on your nails all night. This mask should be done daily for 3 weeks.

Fast cure brittle nails and exfoliating will help strengthen and nourishing mask with sea salt and red pepper. For her, you will need 1 teaspoon of any nourishing hand cream. It is necessary to add half a teaspoon ground red pepper and sea salt finely ground. Stir the mixture in a small glass or porcelain container with a wooden spatula. Apply this mask only on the nail plate, hold for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Apply to hands nourishing cream. Repeat mask 4-5 times every 3 days.

Tags: nail, nutrition, mask