Before you begin taking any action should remove the layer of old paint from the surface of the nail. Then on foot (in place of a strong hardening of the skin) are applied special tools that help soften the epidermis in a very short time. Some producers are advised to first apply these tools on a piece of bandage and then applied to the skin, some recommend to put these keratoloticheskie drugs (weakens the link cells in the skin) directly to corns. Time effects of the drug for 2-3 minutes, for which you can start polishing the nail plate and sawing.
It is not necessary to trim the nails too short, since in this case they will grow further in the skin and causing discomfort, but also too long plate inconvenient since they will interfere with walking and break. The edges of the nail should be rounded to avoid ingrown and polishing can use a soft polishing nail file, gently guiding her in the right direction. Excessive zeal can lead to thinning of the nail, which is why it may break or crack.
After the treatment, the nails can be special pedicure nail files and brushes to remove the softened skin - usually corns removed easily without much effort. Immediately prior to resurfacing or immediately after it is applied to the nail cuticle special tool to soften it (you can perform this procedure after application of keratolytic agents to the skin of the foot).
Then cuticle stick is removed from the orange tree in a circular soft movements. Trim it should not be - so you can make a wound infection that will require long-term treatment.
Then the skin of the feet should be lubricated with a nourishing cream (or soothing - it all depends on how much time before this had to spend "on your feet"). Then you can put rasporochki finger nails and cover suitable for clothing and shoes nail polish.