Benefits of home pedicure

Benefits of home pedicure
 To legs were always manicured, not necessarily every time seek the services of a professional. Sometimes you can do a pedicure at home, and this has its advantages. It not only saves precious time and money, but also eliminates unforeseen situations, such as infection Accidental damage to the skin.
 The best time for a pedicure is the night when tired feet need extra care. And a warm foot bath at this time will affect them well. And so nothing distracts and an empty stomach did not hurry to the table, better pre-make the necessary household chores and have a snack, and only then proceed to the procedure.

To pedicure brought not only benefits but also the pleasure is better positioned in front of the TV and turn on your favorite show. No less pleasure to deliver a pleasant relaxing music and lit scented candles or oil burner, which will create additional room in a pleasant atmosphere.

Pedicure at home does not require special training. All that is needed - a pedicure set, a basin with warm water and emollient or salt. In addition, prepare two small towels, bucket with clean water for rinsing, foot cream, nail polish and liquid to remove it, as well as wool or cotton pads.

Dip your feet in the water and enjoy its warmth as long as you feel or see that the skin was soft. If necessary, add more warm water. Next, take a pumice stone and rub in any convenient sequence heel, the outer edge of the foot and each finger. Then take a small diamond nail file for legs and grind until smooth skin.

After cleansing attempt to machine polish. To do this, take a pusher or orange stick and clean each nail on the perimeter. Next, move the cuticle, and then remove the nail clippers. Do not forget to delete or growths on the skin of the upper side edges of the nail.

Or trim the nails, nail file or grind at first with a large coverage, then fine, and finally sand the surface of the nail plate special nail file. This will provide more uniform application of varnish. Next, rinse the feet with cool water after drying and massaging movements rub the cream until completely absorbed.

Before you apply varnish, degrease the nail plate special tool or wipe them with a paper towel and then cover with a protective agent. For convenience, lacquering use expanders finger. After drying varnish can once again oil cream heel and sole of the foot. For heels and places prone to omozoleniyu better use fatty creams.

To pedicure preserved as long as possible, cover the nail protective agent. And at night, lubricate the foot moisturizer, cuticle and fat cream or a special emollient.

Tags: domestic, condition, bath, advantage