Technology gel nails at home

Technology gel nails at home
 The procedure involves the capacity increase in the length of nails, or change in shape by coating the surface with special materials that are able to make them not only beautiful, but durable and strong. Usually in technology capacity gel used two ways: on the forms and tips.  

While building on the forms used special stencils that can be made of plastic, paper or metal. Using them on nails gel is applied, and when it hardens, forms are removed.

If the building is carried out on tips, they are first glued to the nail, and on top of them falls gel. Unlike forms, tips do not need to clean up, they remain on natural nails, while not covering more than half of the nail plate. This method is useful for building many, because it is possible to make even the most short nails.

As for the gel technology capacity, it is not particularly difficult. First, you must start preparing nails: remove unnecessary parts, sanded surface and degrease it. Grinding nails should be carried out necessarily, because if you do not follow this condition, the gel can simply peel off. Then, the gel should be applied with a brush, a few minutes to dry the nails using an ultraviolet lamp (it is useful also in that is used to prevent fungal diseases).

Now begins the second step: a new layer of gel is applied and then dried well (this procedure may be repeated 2 or 3 times). By the way, if you felt during drying unpleasant burning sensation on the nails, suspend it for a short while, until all symptoms. Such burning - a kind of signal that the nails need careful care and strengthening.

Once coating and drying procedure is completed gel using nailfiles gives nails desired length and shape.

This is followed by the step of applying a drawing or a lacquer (optional). As you have already noticed, the whole process is quite nail gel is long (sometimes can drag on for 3-4 hours; it all depends on the skills and level of complexity of the figure). But these nails and can serve more than a month (if you spend the correction procedure after a while, then all 2-3).

Extend the life of nails, you can also build up the procedure. Just follow some simple conditions. For example, do not use a day cream for hands capacity as between the nail plate and the gel can form a cavity; it is not necessary to combine this procedure with taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs, carry it in the critical days; and, of course, the most important thing - do only build healthy and strong nails.

Tags: domestic, condition, nail technology, gel, capacity