Pedicure, foot care

 The word "pedicure" from the Latin for foot care (pedis - foot, cure - care).

Pedicure - is not only self-indulgence, and therapeutic practice required, as well as any other element of personal hygiene, and requires a serious approach.  

In category Beauty: Thalassotherapy

If you decide to do a pedicure, then plan on it about two - two and a half hours, so as not tolerate fuss pedicure and master, whom you have chosen to be careful, attentive and of course professional.

With pedicure, you can use tools that make manicure.

This is a pair of scissors or clippers for cutting edge regrown nail stick from an orange tree, for the treatment of the skin around the nail plate. Use sharp metal tools you can, but be very careful not to be injured when they jump off, which happens quite often. It is desirable to have special devices to separate the fingers to gently apply varnish on the nails, but you can replace it with a cotton swab.

Summer is enough to do one procedure once every 2-3 weeks. Of course, if you have corns, calluses or deep cracks on the heels need to be more careful care. In addition, a special adjustment is needed when ingrown nails. In this case, under the nail plate is inserted into a special soft flagella. As the nail regrowth they align it.

Typically, to get rid of skin problems will stop only two or three sessions a hardware pedicure done once a week. The main advantage of this procedure is that it does not injure the skin. Is quite soft polishing, which fully controls the intensity of the master. Another plus - no pre-steaming. The maximum possible rapid bath for 2-3 minutes.

Types pedicure:

Classic or, as it is called, cut pedicure.

He performed on the same principle as the classic manicure.

Methodology for pedicure

Softens the foot bath for 15 - 20;
Removal of calluses and corns;
Cuticle removal;
Correction of the nail plate;
Softening and moisturizing the skin of the feet;
Foot massage;
Nail treatment or colored lacquer.

At home, this type of pedicure begins with a foot bath. It is possible to add the sea salt or a special concentrate Pedicure. Then gently pat the foot with a soft towel and apply a cuticle softener. After 3-5 minutes, gently slide the cuticles with a wooden stick. Then lower your legs in the tub for a few minutes, dry skin and tweak the shape of the nails. How much shorten nails? Not an idle question. Long nails run into closed shoes and injured themselves, and torn stockings. A cut nails too short, "the root" can grow into fingers and cause inflammation of the summer, in sandals with open toes, you can afford long nails, but do not break the comfortable state.

Getting to the treatment of the skin of the feet. Two or three minutes massage them with any peeling designed for a pedicure. Especially carefully studied the problem areas - heel base of the fingers, the outer edge of the foot. After the massage, rinse and dry feet peeling.

Now it's time to take on pumice. It will help get rid of chapped skin. Then, in the last rinse and dry feet and apply a moisturizer. It can be nutritious if the skin on the feet dry. When sweating is suitable cream deodorant. And if your problem - fatigue and heaviness in the legs, use the special tool with a tonic effect. At the end of the procedure can be applied to the nails a special firming oil. Domestic procedure is not less useful than the salon, has a healthy effect.

European (French, dry) pedicure performed without water and piercing-cutting tools.

Technique (technique) perform a pedicure:

Cuticle is applied on a special agent, solvent cuticle; After 5 to 10 minutes balances skin wooden stick shift; Okolonogtevogo special nail file to sand bed; Adjusted form of the nail plate; Foot treated with a special softening composition; After 15 to 20 minutes with foot pumice removed all unnecessary; Foot massage with nourishing cream; French coating (applied base (therapeutic or protective), drawn white or another color tip, top coated with clear lacquer or matte, for a French pedicure.

Pedicure that using the devices can safely get rid of such troubles as ingrown toenails, cracks, blisters.

Methodology for pedicure

Legs processed broad spectrum disinfectant action (for prevention of infection during the procedure); Softening performed a special drug that affects the horny layers of the skin; With the help of nozzles to remove the softened layer of cells from the stack; Cuticle trimming machine with a smaller nozzle; Adjusted the shape of nails; Foot massage with cream; Coverage of the nail plate curative or decorative lacquer. In open sandals on his feet without stockings nails varnished look prettier than without varnish. But the bright varnish attracts look. And if the legs are seen corn and fingers neuhozheny, all this creates a slovenly appearance.

SPA - pedicure This procedure combines the useful (cosmetic approach) and pleasant (SPA-philosophy). It 'all work is done by "fruit acids: and eliminate calluses and soften the skin on the heels. Most importantly, all natural products.

Methodology for SPA - pedicure

If desired, remove the remnants of the old varnish; Produce softening of the leg skin with drugs that soften, moisturize, deodorize and disinfect the skin of the feet; Superficial peeling of the skin. At this stage, the soft surface exfoliation and moisturizing the skin of feet; Removal of corns with special serums; Deep exfoliation with scrubs help to remove corns without blades; Pedicure toes; Moisturize. At this stage, the mask is applied to the leg skin which is applied for 5 - 10 minutes. At the expense of incoming components occurs softening, moisturizing, relieve fatigue and leg pain, foot massage. Held for 10 - 15 minutes.

To arrange a home SPA - pedicure. Put a foot bath in a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. And after the treatment of the skin make a mask for the feet. Another option - to apply a thick layer of nourishing cream, wrap in plastic top wear thick socks and wait for 5-7 minutes. Sauna effect in combination with the action of the active components of the cream or mask gives a remarkable result. Rub your feet a gentle scrub. Very useful before cleaning stop to hold the legs in yogurt or sour milk. After a 15-minute foot bath you need to rinse and continue massage with scrub.

Male pedicure today - is not only the reduction of corns, but also the prevention of the emergence of fungal diseases and nail deformation. In addition, modern pedicure became quite pleasant, comfortable and painless procedure. Because of painless and effective, disproportionately popular among men are the hardware and spa-pedicure.

In carrying out hardware pedicure feet not soaked in the bath, and treated with a special drug acting dead horny cells, which allows to soften even the rough skin on the feet and remove it special, rapidly rotating nozzles of different diameters, carefully treating every inch of the sole.

Of course, to maintain the health of the feet every day and wash them thoroughly wipe (especially the folds between the toes), use a clean towel and never give it to others, daily linen change, dry and ventilated shoes, before you put on. Wear comfortable shoes, good breathable, and underwear made of natural fabrics.

With regard to personal care - many of them, as of perfume and folk remedies. Here are some.

Quickly get rid of rough skin on the feet to help the following recipe: Cut a lemon into slices, put the slices in a bowl and mash them down. Hold the feet in lemon juice a few minutes.

Can be used instead of cream olive or other vegetable oil including aromatic oils with additives. Fir oil deodorizing foot skin, tea tree oil disinfects, lemon oil softens the skin.

Effect of the cream or butter can be strengthened if they applied before bedtime, wear cotton (not wool!) Socks and leave overnight.

Very useful for a foot mask of blue clay. After it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream or oil.

Calluses on the feet are formed due to uncomfortable tight shoes. When the shoes for a long time presses or rubs against the skin, the irritated spot start strenuously form new layers of skin. The skin thickens and if you can not grow up in the stratum depth, pressing the nerves and causing pain.

With a few calluses easily cope if every day after a warm bath to use a pumice stone. Running corn will have to remove in a beauty salon.

Ingrown nails is also due to the tight shoes (if pressed down the tip of the nail) and due to improper trimming of nails. Toenails should be to cut a straight line and do not cut corners.

One of the interesting new products - chocolate wrap for the legs. The procedure consists of treating foot skin, peeling and hardware pedicure. At the end of your feet immersed in a special chocolate paste. Firstly, it is great fun. And secondly, this wrap is very good for the skin. It tones, softens and moisturizes the foot.

For domestic supply legs suggest the following. In boiling water (1 liter) solution of 2 tablespoons of sugar, add a tablespoon of cocoa. Cook the mixture for 5 minutes and pour into the tub for a pedicure with warm water. Immersed in water and keep the legs in this fragrant mixture for 15 minutes. After the bath foot scrub to polish or pumice stone, foot rinse with water and lemon juice.

To prevent corns - Seal the skin stop, often arising from uncomfortable shoes, make foot baths. To do this, pour in a bowl with warm water and add there a special bath salts - with chamomile, sage, or any other herbs. Water should be slightly above body temperature, or may arise health problems, particularly those suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Immersed in water up and take a bath for about 15 minutes then take a foot scrub, or common salt, and 10 minutes of foot massage in circular motions. Scrub wash with warm water, then lubricate the feet nourishing cream.

If the soles are often cracks can take foot baths to soften, and then rubbed into the skin before bedtime olive oil and put on cotton socks at night. When excessive sweating feet: bath with oak bark extract 2 times a week and perforated shoes.

Currently, there are many specific means of skin care feet. One of the latest developments, and recommended for diabetics, steel balms for skin care stop BALSAMED intensive and BALSAMED basal (Esparma GmbH). These funds are intended as healthy people with dry and sensitive skin of feet, and in pathological conditions involving violation of the trophic skin (especially for diabetics). Balms can also be used for healthy skin subjected to excessive loads.

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