Nail care: moisturizing cuticles and treatment

 Dry and brittle nails, hard and rough cuticles - it is difficult to imagine a woman not faced with similar troubles. Women's magazine JustLady, on means to address the problems associated with nail

Nail Care

Softening cuticles using lavender

Aromatic oils are often called essential oils from aromatic plants are produced and are used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Contrary to popular opinion, essential oils stimulate nail growth. But there are many types of essential oils that can soften hardened cuticles and heal minor wounds.

When you use essential oils, do not forget that they are very concentrated and therefore can cause skin irritation when applied undiluted. Therefore, you must add a few drops of an essential oil in a soft oils, such as wheatgerm oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, apricot oil.

Many essential oils can be used to mitigate and podlechivaniya coarse and rough cuticles. You can try tea tree oil, patchouli, rose, eucalyptus, myrtle oil, geranium oil or lavender oil.

In addition to a delicious, refreshing smell of lavender oil has antiseptic properties, which is very important if you are using it for the care of nails and cuticles. It also helps to soften cuticles and can be used in the treatment of inflamed, infected burrs.

In order to prepare lavender cuticle softener, just add a few drops of lavender oil in a teaspoon of wheat germ oil. On request also drip a few drops of tea tree oil, which is an effective antiseptic and well heals small wounds and scratches. If you have not used all the mixture at once, it is possible to store in a glass jar for several weeks.

Apply one drop of this mixture on each nail and gently rub into the cuticle. Not necessarily just to rub in cuticle entire drop of oil, as gradually the amount of oil absorbed himself. Repeat this procedure as often as you feel necessary.

Softening cuticles using fresh grapefruit oil

Next time, when you have breakfast grapefruit, save a piece of peel to treat cuticles. It's very simple, but nevertheless effective means. White inner surface rich grapefruit peel oil, which, in turn, saturated vitamins (especially vitamin C) and antioxidant substances.

Grapefruit oil also helps to heal wounds in the cuticle.
Take a small piece of grapefruit peel and start gently rub the inside white surface on the nails and cuticles. It is best to use just peeling, as grapefruit oil pretty quickly evaporates. Repeat this process as much as possible on a regular basis.

Softening cuticles using warmed apricot kernel oil

If you have very dry and rough cuticles, try to treat them with a rubbing warmed apricot kernel oil. This oil, which can be found in a specialty store, is an effective means of contributing to soften cuticles and healing of wounds.

Pour teaspoon of this oil in a small glass bakeware and heat in a microwave oven for 20 seconds. If you use plain tiles, pour the oil in a small saucepan and place on low heat.

Apply a drop of oil on each nail and then gently rub it into the cuticle. Surely you will enjoy this procedure, and you will want to repeat it daily.

If you like apricot kernel oil, but you would like to use it in the form of a thick ointment, use a prescription ointment to soften the cuticles of lanolin and apricot kernel oil.

Ointment to soften the cuticles of lanolin and apricot kernel oil

This oily ointment combines therapeutic, healing effect apricot kernel oil with a softening effect of lanolin. Rub a drop of the mixture into each cuticle daily or whenever you feel that the cuticle require special attention.

Yield: 2 1/2 teaspoons

1/2 teaspoon apricot kernel oil 2 teaspoons lanolin 1 drop of essential oil (optional)

1. Place the apricot oil and lanolin in ovenproof dish. (If desired, you can use a jar, in which then will be stored ointment if the jar heat resistance. It is best to take a jar volume 15g.) Then place the jar with the mixture into the pan filled with water by 2, 5 cm, and place on low heat.

2. Heat, stirring occasionally, until the lanolin is melted. At this stage, if you like, place a large drop of essential oils such as lavender.

3. Stirring the mixture cool to room temperature. Cover and store at room temperature using as needed.

Ointment to soften the cuticles of calendula

Marigold flowers contain carotene, biologically active agents, which help to regenerate skin cells. Wonderful ointment, created on the basis of petroleum jelly, not only softens the hardened cuticle, but also serves as a nourishing cream polish. This means you enjoy it and if you have inflamed, infected cuticle or if your nails are bitten "to the meat."

You can buy calendula flowers at your local pharmacy. And of course, if you are fond of gardening and floriculture, you yourself can grow the required number of plants calendula.

Yield: 1/2 cup

1/2 cup dried marigold flowers (28 g) 11 -grammovaya jar of Vaseline

1. Put calendula flowers in a glass bowl and add Vaseline. Place this container in a pan, 2, 5 cm filled with water (do not try this mixture was heated on a direct flame).

2. Put the pan on low heat and heat, stirring occasionally, until jelly is melted. Remove the pan from the heat, cover and leave overnight.

3. The next day, remove the moisture that has condensed on the makeup, put on low heat and, stirring occasionally, heat until the mixture is melted.

4. Strain the hot mixture through a filter, pour into a jar. (You can use for this purpose a beautiful jar of Vaseline.)

5. Cool the mixture to room temperature, cover and store at room temperature, using as needed.
Ointment to soften the cuticles of the inflorescence clover

To prepare an ointment to soften the cuticles of clover, use a recipe for preparation of an ointment of marigold flowers, calendula, replace the buds of red clover.

Inflorescence clover can be found in the meadows at the beginning and in the middle of summer. Collected inflorescences should not be much to dry, it is better to use them lightly privyadshimi that the concentration of biological substances increased slightly.

Inflorescence of red clover has long been used to treat skin diseases, rashes and sores. Ointment with the addition of inflorescences clover will also help soften the cuticle.

Castor oil

Imagine, castor oil, which causes a feeling close to the dismay of many generations of children, is an excellent means of care for nails and cuticles. Do not worry, I do not force you to take it inside, to get beautiful nails.

Castor oil should be rubbed into the surface of the nails and cuticles. This is one of the most popular means of caring for nails and cuticles, as it has a very soft viscous consistency and thus practically does not stain items that come into contact with your hands. Besides the smell of castor oil like the smell of lipstick, as a part of many types of lipstick.

Start every day to rub a drop of castor oil in each nail and cuticle, and your cuticles will soon become soft and smooth, and nails will get a nice shine and a healthy appearance.

Tags: oil, nail, pharmacy, cuticle, prescription, treatment, healing, moisturizing, wound, softening, petrolatum