How to remove nails white spots

How to remove nails white spots
 White spots on nails once appeared each. It would seem that they do not bring any problems, because under the nail polish can not see them. But the white spots on the nails - an indicator of problems nails or body. Therefore, they should get rid of.  
 Causes of white spots on the nails can be very different. Most often, they are talking about a lack of nutrients. Very often white spots appear in the spring, in the period of beriberi. Suffer from this problem and girls, often sitting on a diet - the body does not get all the necessary minerals to it.

White spots on nails look quite differently. Sometimes there are one or two - because such do not worry. And sometimes white spots just "sprinkle" the entire nail. This is an occasion to see a doctor and have a blood test to rule out a serious illness.

Sometimes white spots - is the result of mechanical damage to the nail. When you hit the nail or pinching you also run the risk of find white spots. They arise and at the wrong cuticle cutting. Remove these stains can not be, can only wait until the nail grows back.

These spots may be evidence of the presence of fungal infection. At last you also notice that the thickened nails, exfoliate, break easily. If you see these signs in yourself, go to a dermatologist - he will be able to accurately determine whether you have a fungus and help with treatment.

To get rid of white spots, make sure your diet. You need to make up for the lack of iron, calcium, zinc, B vitamins A, E and C. You can drink drugs (the dates of your substance as there are certainly a complex of vitamins for beauty). Or try to compensate for the deficiency through nutrition, diet composition of the products containing the substance necessary.

Helps fight with white spots and normal garlic. Rasparte hands in water. Cut the garlic clove in half and rub the halves nails.

Works well in this situation bath with sea salt. One cup of hot water, take 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Dissolve the salt in the water, dip your hands for 15-20 minutes. After grease nails castor oil, wax polish or other means of caring.

Tags: stain, nail, white, care, lack, white, vitamin