How to make a pattern on your nails

How to make a pattern on your nails
 Salon nail design - extremely attractive and cheap. But women go at it, believing that to make beautiful patterns on your nails at home is difficult. This is not quite true. To draw your own designs on your nails, you should only have the necessary tools and desire.
 First you need to stock up on paints of different shades. Among them should be transparent and silver. Also pre-purchase a set of brushes of different thicknesses. They can be found in almost any kiosk. The material should be dense brush. Best of all, if they are made of horsehair.

It is advisable to think in advance and even drawing practice. For example, on a glass or plastic bottle of cylindrical form.

Before applying the pattern to be processed directly by means of nails manicure sets. Need to file them, do the same shape, clean the cuticle, etc. When all this is done, you can apply the pattern.

First apply a base coat. Better to use white acrylic base. Then, using draw acrylics pattern with lines of different thickness, length, and in a different direction. These lines are applied with a fine brush, which is in each set for a manicure. Repeat the pattern, using a paler ink than the previous one. This will create the effect of three-dimensional pattern. Then another tone paint, draw lines that will intersect and intertwine already available.

For a thicker line pattern can finish leaves or curls. On some parts of the nail add some silver to give the composition a finished look. At the end of fix everything transparent varnish.

The main difficulty in the performance of this design - the achievement of identity pattern on each nail. To achieve this goal, there is a trick. Namely, it is necessary to create a stencil, cut out on a compacted paper desired pattern.

You can draw as light patterns on your nails, and more complex, for example, with small landscapes. The main thing is not to fear mistakes and involve imagination. Try to portray a story that a smooth transition from nail to nail.

The figure also part of the pattern may repeat your attire. It does not necessarily apply to all the nails, and you can draw only one. It will also look quite impressive. It is important to carefully consider the choice of color lacquer. Bright colors are best to put on a nail, but the pattern of quiet tones suitable for use on all nails.

Experiment! Maybe you will be able to draw something perfect.

Tags: nail lung