How to glue rhinestones on nails

How to glue rhinestones on nails
 Modern diversity in design manicure strikes, but refined and elegant of all the nails look rhinestones. They can be used as a daily option of manicure and decorate the nails on the celebration. A stick rhinestones on nails can and at home.
 To do this, take rhinestones, tweezers, wooden stick (toothpick fit) or a needle, colorless and colored lacquer (multiple colors) the color you need, white cosmetic pencil. If you plan to apply the pattern, it is necessary to make a careful sketch in advance and keep before our eyes. So you will avoid possible errors.

Note that if you plan to glue on your nails rather than artificial (overhead or acrylic), it is not necessary to glue a lot of rhinestones. Yet for the nail plate is the load, and here it is important not to overdo it.

Degreased nail is covered by an ad hoc basis. Then apply a layer of colored lacquer. Each layer is thoroughly dried. Accelerate this process helps the immersion of fingers in cold water for 1 minute. Then applied to the nail with varnish drawing. It should be applied with a special thin brush carefully.

If your figure is planned to use several shades of colored lacquer, then the algorithm slightly different actions. On clean nails you carefully apply a white pencil drawing. Apply the first (of course without going over pencil border), the main color varnish. Give dry, and then apply the second color. Dried and already meant a colorless varnish place to attach rhinestones.

If the pattern presented in the form of a pattern, for purposes of clarity, the pattern can be imposed on the thread line. Then give a little varnish to dry and remove it. Then the pattern is visible on the claw very well.

Then you need to take a toothpick, which for some time has stood still in the water. The tip of her razmok and crystals will stick to it well. You can take a pair of tweezers and rhinestones, but it must be a certain skill.

Stone pressed on the basis of clear varnish for a few seconds. When applied to the whole picture, the top should be covered with a layer of nail varnish colorless.

It should be noted that for large rhinestones better to buy a special glue. After the foundation of the clearcoat may be for them fragile. Just pay attention to what is now sold in stores already attached to the adhesive tape crystals, and it's much easier to work on them sticking out.

Tags: manicure, nail rhinestones