How to draw flowers on nails

How to draw flowers on nails
 Drawings on the nails - a great way to diversify the usual manicure. The most popular motif for nail art - flowers. They can be simply and expertly executed, emphasized abstract and painted carefully - in any case, the flowers require careful manicure and a steady hand. Perhaps your first experience will not be too successful, but after a few lessons all should work.
 The choice of materials for nail art depends on what and how you plan to portray. Simple stylized flowers convenient to draw nail polish, packaged in small tubes of thin long brush. It is possible to try and special water-based markers. To require a complex painting acrylic paint of different colors, set of brushes and plastic palette for mixing colors. Do not forget the background - the easiest way to cover the nails thick enamel suitable shade. Need and top coat with glitter effect, as well as sequins or rhinestones for added decoration.

Prepare the nail plate, polish it with a special bar and having put a layer of leveling base. Pick a background varnish. Just looks spectacular pastel range or black - these shades are suitable for any pictorial experiments. You can draw on top of the flowers and the French manicure, placing a single motif near the top edge or at the cuticle.

To get started, try to depict stylized hibiscus. Type in the brush a little red or dark pink nail polish and put a point on the chosen place - it will be the center of the flower. Thin brush, draw around five petals in the form of irregular droplets, narrow end facing the middle,. Take a bottle of dark green paint and draw two or three leaves in the form of wide commas. Dry lacquer. On top of a flower picture a subtle touches a white or silver color. Draw a light green veins on the leaves and yellow stamens in the flower. Hibiscus is ready.

If you decide to portray motif on all fingers, draw it in stages. First view on all nails flower, then - the leaves, the last to draw stamens and veins. So you do not have the time to wash and dry brush.

Not a bad idea for beginners - special pens for nails. Draw them rose - black on white or white on a black background. Cover the plate with enamel and dry it. Take a pen and put a short bar - the future center of the flower. Around him in a circle, draw horizontal strokes of authenticity - it petals, they will need 6 or 7. Draw a stem and leaves. This rose can decorate sequins or rhinestones, strengthening it in the center.

Having mastered the simple techniques, proceed to complex compositions. Try to portray the real flowers with acrylic paints. Chrysanthemum looks very picturesque, made in the style of Chinese painting. Coat your nails with black lacquer in two layers and dry it. The palette squeeze yellow and red paint.

Take the flat brush with a beveled edge, type it both colors and paint the steep curls, dramatically lifting the brush from the nail to create the effect of twisted petals. One flower in place of the cuticle, and the other - at the very edge of the plate, on the diagonal. After graduating chrysanthemum, type in the brush a little green and yellow paint and draw two sheets at the bottom of the flower and one - near the top. Cover composition topom effect ultrableska - so figure persist longer.

Tags: color, nail, drawing, flower, image, flower