Creative manicure from celebrities

Creative manicure from celebrities
 The history of show business knows many examples when pop stars and celebrities become style icons. They set the tone not only in clothes and accessories, but also in the make-up, and even a manicure. We call leaders whose creative ideas have not left indifferent millions of fans.

First place in the bewildering manicure takes Queen outrageous Lady Gaga. Whatever she wore on the secular parties - shoes, like crab claws, or meat dress - her nails look no less original. Especially singer loves application technique and application of complex drawings.

One day she appeared in public with a manicure, depicting the face of his own: to each her claw at the world watched a miniature of Lady Gaga. However, sometimes the desire to shock changes the star, and she can afford to "moon" manicure, which made himself another fashionista 30-40-ies of XX century.

Not far behind the nearest rival by hits and Katy Perry: you paint the nails gleaming neon colors, draw on a white background neat pink stars. Of course, not for themselves, with the help of their stylists. But if oust Lady Gaga Katy chart is not always possible, in the beauty of this nail her at least once, but turned out.

On otgremevshego not so long ago the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton singer made manicure, depicting a couple newlyweds and the groom's mother - Princess Diana. And so fans could get a better look each nail, posted photos to Twitter.

Delight journalists gossip and two stars R'n'B: Beyonce and Rihanna. The first one was surprised the audience manicures, sparkling genuine gold, the second - the nails that mimic the color of tiger skin. Well, celebrities really can be an example for others to follow. The main thing - in an attempt to copy their style does not forget about their own individuality.

Tags: manicure, nail, singer, celebrity, Ledyaev