Why exfoliate nails

 Female beauty is like a mosaic, which consists of many small things. It is necessary to spoil one piece, and the whole picture will lose its harmony. That is why we are so concerned about every detail of our appearance: beautiful hair, healthy skin, slim figure and, of course, a perfect manicure and pedicure. However, in an effort to become the owner of beautiful nails woman can encounter a number of unforeseen problems. One of them - a bundle of nails, which occurs quite often. Women's magazine JustLady tell you why exfoliate nails and how to deal with this nuisance.

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As you know, our health is mirrored on the condition of hair, skin, teeth and nails. Domestic issues are inextricably linked with the problems of external. The main reason for the bundle of nails, which can be heard in most cases - the lack of calcium, which is easy to fill, propyl appropriate vitamin course or adding to your diet foods rich in calcium. This can not only be fermented products, but also fish, nuts and cabbage. Another two elements, the lack of which has a negative impact on the state of the nails - magnesium and iron. They can fill in the same ways as calcium. Today in pharmacies can buy vitamin complexes designed specifically for nails, they can get you to normalize the balance of minerals in the body.

However, the vitamins can receive not only internally but also externally. This task can handle numerous cosmetics. And damaged nails can also be through external influence. Therefore, wonderingwhy exfoliate nails, Consider how often you wash the dishes without gloves. Detergents create a hostile environment, which in contact with water destroys the structure of the nail. Handle this easily: Get in the habit to wash the dishes and do household chores like only with gloves.

Quality manicure can also answer the question "Why exfoliate nails". If you do not manicure in the salon and at home, you can inadvertently damage the nail plate. For example, you can not handle too rough nails nail file, you can not cut them rude or blunt scissors. The thinner the nail plate, nail file the thinner it is required. Poor nail, aggressive nature nail polish remover - all this can expose the nail delamination.

Procedures to prevent delamination of nails, you can do both with the help of a qualified professional, as well as at home. In the salon typically offer a procedure which is called "sealing" nails. The idea is simple: flaked nail fastened by means of the application of special products, and it continues to grow strong and healthy. In addition, you can offer professional advice and tellwhy exfoliate nails it is in your case. This will help in the selection of manicure in the future. In addition, the nails can not cover ordinary and strengthening varnish that you too can buy a specialized cosmetic store.

Salt bath - this is the easiest and budget option strengthen nails. Still it is possible to omit the nails in lemon juice, or even dip the tips of the nails into the flesh of the lemon. Experts say that the ideal remedy for brittle nails and bundle is beeswax. If you manage to get some of this natural product, melt it and dip into the wax fingertips. Leave this "mask" on the nails until the morning, and then carefully remove.

Now you know what the question "Why exfoliate nails" there may be many answers. Generally, not all of them are on the surface, some may only be apparent to those skilled. Therefore, there is always a sense to seek professional help.

Nail care - a process that involves with many difficulties, but the results are worth the effort. Beautiful and healthy nails will make your look perfect on you and create the best impression. And do not be surprised that women pay their nails so much attention. In the words of a classic - "can be sensible person and think about the beauty of nails."

Tatiana Karpova