Ways to restore natural nails after extension

Ways to restore natural nails after extension
 If nature did not give luxurious and long nails, come to the aid of modern technology to obtain any desired length and shape on the basis of artificial materials. The only problem is that, under a layer of extension own nails become lifeless and in need of resuscitation.
 Used in building materials nails are completely safe and well protected from all external influences faced by female hands. But after the removal of artificial nails become brittle own and thin. In beauty salons to improve the nails after the building, carried out a special procedure for sealing in which the application of special means to stick together and damaged scales make well-groomed appearance. This is the easiest and fastest method of restoring the nails, but if for some reason is not possible, you can turn to the national way.

Immediately need to tune in to the fact that the restoration of the nails after the building will take quite a long period of time. The first results are possible not earlier than one month and only if, if the procedure will be carried out regularly. We must start with the usual cutting and sawing weak nails. Grow them in this condition is almost impossible, so do not create an additional burden for them. You can purchase a special package for the restoration of nails in the form of lacquers. Their use will be much cheaper than the sealing procedure in a beauty salon.

You can restore your nails after a build-up using a more accessible means. Strengthens nails lemon juice. If you cut a lemon into two halves and in the evening while watching TV is completely immersed in the pulp of the nail plate minute 15. The course of 7-10 treatments in a day, will improve the situation.

Alternate application of lemon juice can with salt baths and massaging oils. Make this bath is very simple, just need a little water to dissolve a couple of tablespoons of sea salt and keep nails in this liquid until it cools down. Thereafter, the mixture was rubbed into each nail of tea tree oil in a ratio of 1 to 10 dissolved in any vegetable oil.

If the essential oil was not at home, then you can buy in a pharmacy liquid vitamins A and E and also rub them in the nail plate. A regular fitness activities necessarily produce results.

Tags: nail, Ambassador, recovery method, capacity