How to quickly strengthen your nails

How to quickly strengthen your nails
 Beautiful and well-groomed hands can not be imagined without a strong and healthy nails. If your nails deliver you a lot of hassle and grieve their brittleness and fragility, you should pay attention to your care for them, as well as reflect on their way of life. How Come? Nails also reflect the condition of the body.

First of all, think about the balance of vitamins and minerals that you eat every day. Brittle, dull and a layer of nails - this is the first signal that your body does not get enough of them! Everyone knows that for healthy and strong teeth and nails, as well as brilliant thick hair is very important calcium - so add to your daily menu, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and low-fat cheese. Drink green tea with milk - its enzymes help calcium well and fully assimilated. In cream cheese contains the necessary proteins nails, as well as slightly more calcium than their fellow man unprocessed. Drink vitamin-mineral complexes also containing phosphorus and. Speaking of phosphorus - it is very much in fish, such as salmon. In the fatty fish also contains much omega-3 acids which influence the formation of the nails and increase of skin elasticity. Drink plenty of water - dehydration is a very common cause of bad skin, hair and nails - because our body consists of water at the most, and lack of moisture simply prevents delivery of all nutrients and essential substances in all parts of the body.

Now here's the daily care. Think of all the procedures that have to go through your hands and nails every day. Enemy of healthy nails - hot water, which is simply stratifies them. Therefore, when washing dishes do not forget to wear gloves. In addition, use a very simple and also very useful trick: before putting on gloves, lubricate your hands with olive oil, do not forget about the area around the nail, including the nails themselves. This will create a sauna effect, as well as facilitate the penetration of nourishing and firming agents due to strong thermal effect. This trick - a great way to combine business with pleasure, and after your hands are smooth and velvety, supple and moisturized cuticle and nails much stronger.

Using olive oil can also be done bath. To do this, just need to take a small, clean container, add back half a spoonful of lemon juice, warm oil and lower the fingers there for about 10-15 minutes. Lemon makes color nail healthy and heals cuticles. Olive oil - is one of the best means of regenerating and nourishing. As the trays can be used and the solution of sea salt, which is very easy to prepare, just two or three having stirred three tablespoons of salt in a glass of warm water. Add 2-3 drops back essential oil of rosemary, orange and grapefruit, they will make the procedure very pleasant aroma and lift your spirits.

Applying cream on hand, do not forget about nails - rub a small amount of cream in them! This simple procedure nourish nails and after some time they become much stronger. Try not to cut the cuticle and soften it and push a stick of wood. The cuticle bears the protective function of polish and care is especially important.

Tags: nail care, strengthening