How to get rid of white spots on nails

How to get rid of white spots on nails
 White spots or streaks that appear on the nails indicate a problem with the body. Insufficient fortified food, lack of timely treatment of certain diseases is the cause of spots on the nails.
 Pay attention to your diet - it is often seen as a lack of iron, calcium and vitamins in the body. You can choose one of multivitamin complexes, to give preference to food additives or simply change your diet. In addition it would be nice to develop their own policies against regular stress - white dashes on the nails may appear after strong emotional experiences.

Figuring out the cause of the white marks on the nails, be sure to go to the survey by visiting cardiology, gastroenterology and infectious disease.

Sometimes the spots are the result of damage to the nail plate. In this case, you can try to eliminate them with a series of procedures: warm bath salt, oil compresses, lubrication nail nutrient composition. Dissolve in warm water sea salt, wait until it is completely dissolved and immerse the container hands. When the tissue is well to steam, and typically lasts 15 minutes, then wipe your hands dry nails and lubricate them with fish oil or castor oil, lightly rubbing it into the nail plate. And try that to protect your nails - do not open into hard cover during a manicure tools do not press on the nail bed, try not to cut the surface.

Instead of saline you can put your nails in warm vegetable oil. After the procedure, remove the remaining oil from the nails and lubricate hand moisturizer. To supply the nail can also use herbal teas - chamomile, oak bark brew in boiling water and pour into a container for the bath. Baths with potassium permanganate help get rid of the bright spots of bacterial origin, and after the procedure, the nail plate to lubricate tea tree oil.

Good effect have regular nail rubbing crushed garlic - crush a few cloves and well rounded problematic nails that before this can be in hot water to steam.

Fungal infection treated with systemic medications, and topical treatment of nail plate is regular Steaming nails and applied to the surface of antifungal ointments.

Tags: stain, nail, white, care, white plate