Before you start applying the varnish, carefully prepare your nails. Semilunar manicure draws attention to the cuticle, so deal with it very carefully. Apply to the skin soft acidic detergent, softening it and removes excess epithelium. Wait a minute or two and gently move the cuticle plastic or wooden stick. Too overgrown skin can be cut with sharp wire cutters or thin nail scissors.
Align the shape of the nails - they should have a neat appearance and the same length. Wavy plate can be polished soft grit stone. Cover the nail with one or two layers of protective leveling base.
Proceed to the decor. Prepare in advance stencils. Their size and shape depends on what you plan to manicure. Cut the arc, strips or circles of a medicated plaster, adhesive tape or paper tape. In the manufacture of stencils, consider the size of nails.
Select suitable varnishes. Very elegant and understated looks manicure in pastel colors. Consider the combination of white and pale pink or cream and beige. More catchy version obtained if the dark and light shades. Try beige and blue or cream and dark red lacquer. And for special occasions, try to combine bright colors with sparkling metallic. Very nice combination of cherry and purple and gold or silver lacquer.
Cover with two layers of nail varnish substrate. Good dry layers. Stick the stencil to the wells and put on the free part of the nail varnish second. It is better if it is more dense texture, the first layers would otherwise show through. Repeat Floor, dry nail and gently remove the stencil.
Secure manicure transparent gloss top, which prevents the paint from chipping and abrasions. Properly made moon manicure will last a few days. Once the varnish begins to fade at the tips, remove it - sophisticated decor does not allow negligence.