If you want to save money, buy big bottles intended for nail salons - in terms of milligrams are much cheaper. Stock up on cotton discs or balls, sticks and foil.
Moisten a cotton disk nail polish remover. Do not fill it too much - it should not run off the fingers and smeared paint. Apply the cotton to the nail, gently press and hold for half a minute. Spend drive on the nail, from the cuticle to the tip, wiping varnish. Turn it clean side and repeat the procedure. Moisten a cotton swab in the liquid and wipe the hard to reach areas of skin around the rollers and cuticles. Gradually treat all the nails.
Lucky with mica and sequins erase the usual way is not easy - fine particles increase its adhesion to the nail plate. Try to improve the procedure. Cut five small strips of foil food. Moisten five discs nail polish remover. Wrap them around your fingers on one hand, on top of the foil wrap. Wait 5-7 minutes - lacquer softens and easy to remove with cotton wool.
On the road, easy to use wet wipes or disks for Removers in disposable bags or screw-tight plastic jars. This is a very economical option - a single swipe is enough for five fingers. Printing bag, act quickly - impregnation evaporates and is no longer valid.
After removing the varnish sure to wash your hands with soap and water - it will protect your nails from drying and breakage. Wipe your fingers and rub a little nourishing cream, massage the cuticle in it.