Before you do a manicure, remove the remnants of the old varnish and wash your hands. Then apply a means to soften the cuticle, which can be purchased from an authorized dealer. It will soften the horny skin around the nail and remove it without damaging it will be much easier.
Replace the nozzle needle-like device with a fine abrasive. Treat the cuticle area, starting with periungual rollers. Number of turns on the unit must not exceed 12000. After processing okolonogtevogo roller same nozzle carefully walk along the cuticle on the nail, lifting her. Try not to touch the nail not to leave it furrow.
Remove cuticles raised using nozzles in the form of a truncated cone. Keep the unit at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface of the nail. Be very careful and take your time, otherwise you can easily injure the skin. The number of revolutions for this phase should not exceed 10,000.
Sand the cuticle using Valium nozzle with fine abrasive. The number of revolutions is not higher than 12000. For this several times along the cut cuticle slide in a direction opposite to the rotation of the nozzle. Be careful not to press too hard, so as not to leave the pits and fissures on the nail plate.
The treated portion of the device, apply special oil for nail and let it soak. After that, polish nails of the usual soft nail file and adjust their shape.
Degrease the nails using a special tool and apply a base coat of varnish. Then apply regular nail and fixing layer of acrylic.