Manicure salons do not have a formal art education, but they made drawings on the nails sometimes affect its originality. If you put a little effort and show persistence and patience, it will do you. To get the hand, you can work out on a piece of glass. If at first your "masterpieces" will remind doodle, do not despair - perseverance and a little effort.
An important component of success is the use of fresh varnish. Thickened varnish will not make a thin line. Now on sale there are special paints for painting nails - they are liquid and with a fine brush. You should purchase a few different colors. It must be white and black lacquer (to create a contrast of the figure), as well as green and red. The rest of the colors are selected according to their creative ideas. Gold and silver varnish will add brilliance to your drawing. For a beautiful figure, used in paints murals, should not be too pale and pearly tones.
Apply picture is worth only after drying the main varnish, applied in two layers. When this figure is thin lines and small dots. What happens next depends on your imagination and accuracy.
New to this technique you can try the easiest way - mixing on the nail varnishes with conventional technique of stretching and weaving strokes. To do this, use a needle or a sharpened toothpick.
This is done as follows: the first layer of varnish give dry, then another, contrasting paint depending on the pattern of the future put drops in the desired order, on top of them, the third lacquer colors make slightly smaller point. For all lacquer droplets are needle without undue pressure. The result will exceed all your expectations - with overflowing of one color to another on the nails get interesting artistic effect.