Nourishing Mask polish

Nourishing Mask polish
 If you want to have a well-groomed and beautiful hands, paying particular attention to nails. Healthy nails should be smooth, flat and strong. To do this you need to find the right care, which in the first place should include a hydrating mask.
 If you want to achieve the effect, the use of masks is not enough. Reassess your diet, it should be complete. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and foods rich in calcium. Ask your doctor about taking vitamin complex, often walk in the fresh air and lead a healthy lifestyle.

To power the nail does not necessarily have a cosmetics store bought. If you make your own mask, will be even better, because you produce her natural ingredients. Before applying the tools, prepare the nail plate. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly and make manicure. Then you can apply a nourishing mask on your nails.

Gelatin mask

Gelatin - a mixture of proteins of animal origin. It not only nourishes the nail plate, but also strengthens it. To prepare the mask you need a teaspoon of gelatin. Mix it with 250 ml of boiling water, cool the mixture. Dip your nails into a means for 15 minutes. Do these baths 2 times a week for a month.

Glycerol mask

Glycerin strengthen your nails, making them stronger. Also, it will give your nails healthy color. To make a mask, in addition to a teaspoon of glycerin, you will need a tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix the ingredients until smooth. The resulting mixture was put on the nails, leave to dry completely. Do the procedure you need every day.

Herbal Mask

Infusions made from herbs that act on the nails are very favorable. In addition to nourish plate, they accelerate the growth of the nails and make them stronger. To prepare the mask, you will need two tablespoons of chamomile, as many thistles and hypericum. Pour boiling water over herbs, boil for 5 minutes. After that, cover with a lid and let the broth infuse for an hour. Lower the nails in obtaining funds for 10-15 minutes. Make a mask once a week.

Apple Mask

For food, you can use nail and an apple. Rub it on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of melted butter. If you want to strengthen your nails, pour a mixture of 100 ml of beer. Mix everything until smooth. Put on your nails for 20 minutes, remove the remnants of the mask with a cotton swab.

Tags: nail, mask, nutrition, care