Development of hardware manicure - this is a good investment of time and your efforts, then certainly they will work themselves. Learn how to make a home pprotseduru need every girl.
Buy special nail machine, suitable for home use.
Read the instructions carefully to him. Note description nozzles, their properties and functions. Really and impartial assessment of the state of their nails, skin, hands and feet, determine what you will be working. Correctly pick nozzle for each specific operation. Harder for the treatment of nails, nail ridges averages for even softer cuticle, felt polishing nail.
Work only on dry skin and nails, as the moisture will nozzles painlessly remove excess build-up or to give the correct form of the nail. Twenty minutes before the start of a good manicure Wash and dry hands, remove the nail polish with a special liquid that does not contain acetone. Push the cuticles with a wooden stick in the direction of the side bolsters around the nail. Remove dry skin and cuticles treat side bolsters attachments with average abrasive.
Give a beautiful shape the free edge of the nail without touching the skin of the fingers. Polish and polish the surface of your nails, touching them only the edge of the nozzle. Brush for manicure space around the treated nail cream lubricate fingers and make a gentle massage.
Follow these simple tips to implement hardware manicure, and you will always have a beautiful, perfectly manicured nails.