The behavior of a married man after 40

The behavior of a married man after 40
 Fortieth anniversary - a dangerous age limit for a married man. No such thing as a midlife crisis associated with it. According to statistics, in this age, many men start to break down long-standing marriages, change jobs or the area of ​​activity. During this period, the woman requires some understanding of the psychological characteristics of male character to survive this difficult time together.

Of course, not all men are affected by this landmark date, for many it is painless and does not affect the relationship in the family or at work. This applies to those of them that are completely satisfied with all that they have at this age, still love my wife, doing things you love. Unfortunately, this is not all.

For 40 years, many married men begin to experience problems with potency. This is due to the physiology of men, but each of them carries this problem only at their own expense. They begin to look for the cause of loss of sexual desire and immediately find the one that is on the surface - the wife, which lived for many years and which no longer seems so desirable as a young man. Natural remedy for many becomes treason, and even it does not matter with whom, often, "she" is not beautiful and younger.

According to psychologists, at the beginning of such a relationship is not a man plans to leave his family, as accustomed to the already existing life and even loves his wife as a friend and mother of his children. In addition, spouses share the material obligations and common home. To his treason he refers to as a light affair, an adventure that stirs his blood. More likely it is that the initiator of the divorce becomes resentful of his wife, who could not forgive such a betrayal.

If this happens, the woman needs to understand that her husband is not looking for a new wife, he was looking for new emotions, new sexual feelings, a new impetus. The man wanted to prove to himself that he can still like it, to be in love and passionate, as in his youth. Often, the euphoria passes quickly enough and the man is once again ready to become a devoted husband and father, he returned to the family.

No matter how you hurt, try not to close the door in front of him and leave the retreat. Try to forgive and be generous - in fact, most likely, he did not change your mind, change only the body. Take his sincere repentance, can even quarreling and slap him on the cheek, but do not drive completely, not spread the news and do not expose him a scoundrel. Think about that the other woman just waiting for this.

In this situation, to win the one that wiser. If you still love her husband, use the golden rule: Let go, if you want to keep. Tell him that you love him and want him to be happy, but it will not keep. It is not necessary to give her husband like that, leave him a choice and even ate really hurt you, do not cut off the shoulder. If he repents, you listen to him and try to understand, but when you realize - just.

Tags: man, the ambassador, the average age crisis, behavior