Sincerity - the key to a strong relationship

Sincerity - the key to a strong relationship
 We communicate with each other in different ways. With someone contacts are only in mutual handshakes and wishes of good health, with someone - in conversations with a greater or lesser degree of confidence, but with sincerity and candor with our interlocutors we say very often. And not every family, unfortunately, relations are based on sincerity and complete trust.

What sincerity and trust between partners - a prerequisite of the existence of a strong relationship, theoretically understand everything, but experience shows that open completely to someone else not everyone is ready. Though probably among us there are none which would not like to meet a man who would trust unconditionally and completely. Think about what you are expecting from your boyfriend or girlfriend?

If you are not sure that the loved one is sincere with you, and you want the words with his intentions and actions, try to understand why this is happening. Perhaps the reason lies somewhere deep in the properties of his character or he has no doubt that it is worth to trust you. Try to talk about this person on the souls.

Wanting to trust and sincerity from a partner, you should understand that it is also important to know whether you are true, whether you are talking to him without hypocrisy and pretense. Try to look at ourselves and try to understand why you do spend time insincere.

Very often the cause of insincerity in the relationship is uncertain. Each of us is perfect mental image of yourself, thinking that if it is so in reality, the respect and appreciate it will be more. Therefore, it happens that not telling about yourself or even stretching the truth. Many of us love and deep understanding of classical music, say, or ballet? Unlikely. But whether all at once honestly admit it to another person, especially if you have already realized that he - a passionate fan of these kinds of art? Experience shows that not everything.

We have a choice: to be honest about it to his friend, of course, trying not to offend him, or pretend that you share his interests. If you choose the latter, have, at least, comply with what has been said. And keep in mind that one lie pulls the next one, because in the list of your weaknesses certainly dislike for the classics is not unique. Respect yourself and your preferences and do not make excuses for what you do not like. It is better if you yourself, because you, in the end, there are a lot of advantages, for which you should love and respect.

Try to be honest with my boyfriend, but remember that sincerity should not hurt and to hurt him. If you honestly tell about yourself - it's your decision, which concerns only you. But cut "plain truth" in the eyes of someone else is not always appropriate and necessary. Sincerity without sensitivity and respect for your partner is not worth anything.

Often people are afraid to be honest, because I do not want someone took advantage of their "weakness" in the wrong purposes. Unfortunately, it also happens. You can humiliate, deceive or betray. But maybe, if you are sincere, you will get understanding, satisfaction and love - all about the dream.

Tags: attitude, pledge, sincerity