Myths about the female orgasm

Myths about the female orgasm
 Once Sigmund Freud said that all the weaker sex should experience intimacy with pleasure, otherwise they can not escape neurosis. And such speculation today is very high. They interfere with life, because people, having heard various prejudices begin to put some "framework". What myths exist about the female orgasm today?

Myth # 1: There is an opinion that if she did not get an orgasm at the first close, it was frigid and never experience it. This is complete nonsense. But from a psychological point of view, it can happen. And it is not in physiology, and that the fair sex to bother with these thoughts, thereby assuring themselves.

Myth 2: A woman does not experience orgasm - frigid. In fact, frigid women only 2%. Many people think that the absence of this is frigidity, but it is not. Woman feel sexual desire, arousal, no longer has this diagnosis. But the one that is indifferent to sex, is one of those 2%.

Myth 3: A woman should have an orgasm every time you have sex. In fact, it is not necessary, many at the beginning of sexual intercourse is not orgasm, but, nevertheless, they experience the pleasure of driving, from affection. Doctors say that the fairer sex is enough to have an orgasm in 7 out of 10 acts.

Myth 4. Orgasm depends on the size of your man-esteem, the more he - the stronger the orgasm. Above this myth can only laugh, because the size is not important, and technology proficiency in sex. Many women notice that partners with small "tools" can bring even to dizziness.

Myth 5. Couples who are together for a long time - less feel orgasm. This, of course, not the case. On the contrary, you can say that those who have been found to experience orgasm stronger. The thing is that they already know how to please each other, and do not feel the stiffness.

Myth 6. In a state of alcohol a woman reaches orgasm more often. It probably came up with women who love to drink. In fact, alcohol is not something that strengthens, and dulls the senses.

Myth 7. You can hear that with the arrival of menopause, you can forget about orgasm. Naturally, it is not. If you are physically healthy sexual relationship you have to order, and orgasm will please you by their appearance.

Myth 8. If a girl during sex does not cry, so she does not enjoy. This statement probably came up with men who have seen enough porn. Some women cry, but that does not mean that they have stronger orgasms, but they are more liberated and emotional.

Myth 9. The wife does not have an orgasm, does not love his wife. This is not the case, the couple need to try a little different technique of sex, for example, to try oral sex.

Myth 10. Sex who leads the orgasm can not be called complete. This statement is simply absurd. You can not compare sex with a lesson in school - not brought a woman to orgasm - received low marks, and vice versa. A woman may simply not set up to orgasm, but the pleasure of intimacy with you it gets.

Not to say the people, no matter what new myths they do not come up - do not listen to them! Enjoy your partner and life, and if you have any problems in sexual terms - talk to your man.

Tags: attitude, partner, myth, superstition