As a rule, discontent with their life circumstances for the most part depends on your psychological state, views on certain things. To fix this, you just need to look at what is happening on the other side: maybe it's not so bad.
Never begrudge compare her life with, for example, her best friend, neighbor, co-workers, or God knows who. Thus, you start to focus on other people's values, which you may not fit and are not needed. You are in a sense living someone else's life.
You need to decide what is most important to you: family or work, friends or hobbies, careers or freedom. It is necessary to put everything on the shelves, to determine the specific goal that and give you the greatest pleasure. Otherwise, life will really be lived in vain, and comparisons with other people will only depress or annoy. You can take an example, but it is not necessary to get a copy.
Enjoy the little things, because happiness is just one of them. The smile of a passerby is able to cheer you up, and autumn leaves on the pavement will help draw attention to the beauty of nature. Rejoice little pleasant surprise. From the little things add up together.
To feel a pulse of life, you must get rid of uncertainty, Trapped, believe in themselves. Perhaps you too often throw up their hands in a difficult situation, and then blame it on someone else. This is absolutely wrong, because every smith his happiness. Do not be lazy. Laziness - it is your main enemy in league with self-doubt. You begin to think that everything will be, and in fact only aggravates the situation, subsequently losing the taste for life.
Do not place its primary objective material well-being. The money you do not get spiritual closeness, unlike human communication. You need to understand that in order to really enjoy life, you need to create harmony around, consisting of psychological comfort, supported by strong family and trusted friends.