Kamasutra help lose weight?

Kamasutra help lose weight?
 Trying to lose weight, people use different methods. This diet, and gyms, and yoga classes. Often, these actions do not bring pleasure. Understandably, few who like to eat for weeks unsalted rice or spend hours lifting dumbbells. But in order to lose weight, you can use the methods and pleasant. For example, sex. Well, Kama Sutra will spend calories faster.  

When any physical exertion expended calories. Of course, sex is no exception. Your body gets a load and, therefore, decreases body fat. Do not forget to have fun. Therefore, sex is the best method for losing weight.

Of course, not everything is so simple. Sex helps to lose weight only under certain conditions. The very first thing - it regularly. If sexual acts occur once a month or even less, lose weight will not work. As with any other method of weight loss, you should regularly. Need to make love at least twice a week.

The second thing that will help reduce weight, - the duration of the act. If you spend 5-15 minutes each time to lose weight is unlikely to succeed. To get rid of excess weight, sexual intercourse should last at least 30 minutes. And this is without preliminaries. But if the time every time will be an hour and a half, it will be even better.

Not every pose helps to spend a large amount of calories. If you're used to spend the whole act in a missionary position, then spend a lot of calories will not work. And here we come to the aid of the Kama Sutra. Flip through the book. Very similar to the exercises in the gym, only better and more enjoyable.

The more active you move during sex, the more calories you expect. Well, the various postures also help pull many (almost all!) Muscle groups. Perhaps you have problem areas. And it is with them, you have to remove the excess weight. Scroll through the Kama Sutra, try to take some of the poses without a partner. Move, feel, on what part of the body goes to the load. And these poses, use the next time you have sex.

If during lovemaking you change positions, you will not only lose weight, but also tighten the muscles. Some options will help you to spend up to 200 calories in 10 minutes. Of course, do not get too frequent change of posture. Your partner may feel like a treadmill. Be natural and resourceful, and then you will succeed.

Tags: weight, sex, sports, reduction, Kama Sutra