Is sex during pregnancy?

Is sex during pregnancy?
 Some women become pregnant, put a point in their intimate relationships, believing that you can harm the fetus. But in fact it is a delusion, and if there are no medical contraindications, then have sex during pregnancy is not only possible, but also useful.

Sex during pregnancy has its positive qualities. Firstly, during intimacy impossible to harm the fetus. Nature took care of the protection and hid it under several protective layers: the anterior abdominal wall muscles endowed with a double layer of fat, thick connective tissue tightly plugging the cervix.

Second, sex during pregnancy has a positive impact on both the woman and the child as during intimacy they get the so-called hormone pleasure. And with prolonged abstinence from sexual intimacy in women accumulate negative emotions.

Third, having sex during pregnancy is not necessary to protect themselves. In addition, the male sperm contains nutrients that are necessary for the body of a pregnant woman: enzymes and male hormones contribute to softening of the cervix and the better its disclosure during childbirth.

Fourth, during sex, cervical muscles is reduced, and this training helps productivity contractions during childbirth and prevent weak labor.

Fifthly, sexual arousal women are very useful for the baby, since at this time the blood circulation in the pelvic area increases, and because of this child through the placenta receives more oxygen and nutrients.

Sexual desire in some pregnant women increases, and others, on the contrary - is reduced. Generally, it depends on the normal female sexual activity.

Growing belly during pregnancy makes some poses for sex very uncomfortable. After 20 weeks, and the woman can not lie on your back, so you need to choose the other poses. The most optimal posture: on one side, or when the woman is on top. In addition, oral-genital contact during pregnancy is also relevant and can give pleasure.

But do not forget, and that sex during pregnancy may be contraindicated for the following reasons: not the usual gestation pregnancy, threatened premature labor, vaginal bleeding, infection of the genital tract in any of the partners, multiple pregnancy, active threat of abortion .

Tags: child during pregnancy, sex, woman