Intimate secrets of the geisha

Intimate secrets of the geisha
 Japanese geisha - a symbol of beauty, grace, elegance and sensuality. To become a real geisha, beautiful Japanese girl must get a quality education and learn a variety of specific skills. After all, its main purpose - to give pleasure. And not only as a pleasant companion, but also as a great lover.

Girls who have to become a geisha, from early childhood are taught to think positively, to enjoy everything that surrounds it: the sun, the birds, the flowers. Her face should always prevail soothing smile and joy. As an adult, the future geisha will radiate confidence, tranquility and harmony that will allow it to be not only beautiful, but also healthy.

To geisha could well versed in men and bring them joy, it certainly taught the subtleties of male psychology. This geisha must be able to listen, empathize and understand the feelings of a man with hints.

But the most important in the training of a Geisha was the education of sexual culture. Sex with her has nothing to do with copulation with a prostitute. Geisha can give a sensual pleasure, fully merge with the male body and soul. Intelligent and educated in a secular salon in bed geisha - playful, affectionate, passionate and completely attuned to the woman's partner.

To be able to deliver the maximum pleasure to the man, trained geisha specific art of vaginal muscles. In ancient times, this science studied only selected Concubine and geisha.

Muscle training geisha - a very good way to preserve the health of women's intimate muscles. During exercise stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, so the state of the vaginal mucosa - improving microflora - recovering muscles - stronger. In addition, as a result of these exercises improves and mental state of women - increased her self-esteem, changing for the better character, there is confidence in the irresistibility. Another result of the training intimate muscles - the possibility of getting a vaginal orgasm.

The most effective exercise, trainees intimate muscles - Kegel exercises. They can be performed at any time and anywhere. To understand what muscles must work during training, "get" them. To do this a few times, stop the process of urination - those muscles with which you do it, and the need to train.

The first version of Kegel exercises - tensing and relaxing intimate muscles. This should be done as quickly as possible. To start tense and relax the muscles 10 times, then bring the number of repetitions to 30.

The second option - a slow compression and unclamping muscles. Stretch the muscles for 5 sec., Hold it in this state from 20 to 30 sec., Then - slowly for 5 seconds. relaxing.

The third option - a gradual tension and relaxation. Lightly tighten your muscles and hold in this state 5 sec., Then - a little more tense, and so - before you can continue. Gradually, the muscles relax.

The fourth option exercises - pushing. For its implementation need to make an effort, as in childbirth, only weaker. Each of these exercises is necessary to perform the approach 3-5, 3-4 times per day.

Tags: secret exercise techniques, geisha