How to understand the serious intentions of men

How to understand the serious intentions of men
 Literally from the first date love a girl can start making plans about the future together with the young man. Here are just a way for family life can be long. It all depends on the man and his intentions.
 Start communication - not the best indicator, but if a man is interested girl, you may designate your visit or call, and will not delay.

Man, if you are dear to him, will try to see more of you. He will seek somewhere to go, spend an evening. In love wants to communicate as often as possible in any way, be it the Internet or phone.

It is possible that a man who is serious, the first time will enjoy a platonic communication. However, if this period too long - it is worth considering. A particularly important role in the beginning of the relationship plays a sex. This aspect can help in determining how serious a man treats you. Shows he cares only for his pleasure? If you think that he is forcing to do something that is not to your taste, it is indifferent to your desires and feelings - with his hand on the serious feelings can hardly speak.

If a man is serious, he is sure to have met his family. Meet the Parents, of course, is not an indicator, but in fact everybody to represent the family, he just will not. But he introduces you to friends or not, ambiguous figure. On the one hand, if he has serious intentions, it will not hide you from their environment. And on the other - may not want others to interfere with your relationship. But even if introduced - it means nothing.

If a man does not build you serious plans are unlikely to offer you to move out and live with him.

To understand what the intentions of your loved one, sometimes enough to look into his eyes. If your eye contact is kept long, so he is interested and has serious long-term prospects. If not - intentions are reduced to something else.

Please note that it catches his eye. A man wants to talk to you, and the interest he has not only sexy, if he looks at your face, and not to other parts of the body. So you're interested in your partner as a person, and it is aimed at long-term relationship. He will not be interested in other women, ie will not be with someone to meet, flirt in social networks and take care of your friends. And if he says that in respect of each free and nothing nobody nobody should, it is most likely on his freedom.

Listen to your feelings, and do not monitor his every word and deed. Women's intuition is rarely wrong. If you feel the security and confidence, it is possible that you will be with him, like a stone wall.

Tags: man, attitude, intention, nameriniyami