Sex during pregnancy - yes or no?

Sex during pregnancy - yes or no?
 When a woman is pregnant, sexual relations between partners are changing, it is often associated with certain restrictions, and sometimes even the lack of sex. Understand, it is necessary to limit yourself the pleasure?

During the first nine months of waiting baby woman goes through three trimesters, which are typical in its own way. In the first trimester of pregnancy feels lack of energy, all her annoying, as a rule, it haunts toxicosis. It often becomes maudlin, for unknown reasons, lethargic, sleepy, thus causing confusion and fear on the part of his men. In the first trimester of pregnancy, couples often avoid sex.

The second trimester is characterized by the fact that all fear of pregnancy leave on long-range plan, it becomes relaxed, there is a small tummy, which is spicing up its appearance. The woman realizes that her baby is all right, and can shine while her man. As a rule, in the second trimester in women increases sexuality, which is associated with the influx of hormones in her body.

Third trimester - time limits in sex, as big tummy makes it impossible to make love without limits. The woman does not feel comfortable. And fear for the child takes sometimes up. Man too is not without discomfort, since the role of the father of the future requires him organizational abilities associated with buying things for the baby, crib assembly, repair room for the baby.

As for the trimesters, behavior and well-being of women, everything is clear. But each for itself determines whether to have sex during pregnancy or not. If there are no threats to the baby and the mother's health is normal, then sex can and should be. After all, with the help of his future mother removes negative emotions; receives hormones of happiness that can not affect positively on the development of the baby. One of the advantages of making love during pregnancy is that there is no need to be protected, you can completely relax. As well as the expectant mother receives nutrients and enzymes contained in the semen, which helps to soften the cervix. During sex muscles of the uterus contract, which subsequently helps in childbirth: the fight will be better, and labors high.

But if a pregnant have any contraindications to have sex with the medical side, for example, a risk of miscarriage, bleeding, low position of the placenta, it is best to limit yourself from the process or do not deal with them.

Tags: age, gender, pregnancy, no, sex, trimester